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Instead of a hypstery diary with excessive imaginationland enveloping and other delirium we got a post-modernistic clownish slap-stick comedy. The banal sexism of XVIII century was replaced with soviet post-modernistic feminism. The self-diagnosing eternal hipsters were turned into Jerome personally, and overall the characters are quite mean-spirited here. The contemporary history piece about graves was turned into another scene with a clown — the graveyard keeper. The movies pays a ton of attention to the dog. While it is used good in a scene where it retrieves the boat, but unending sound-barks are irritating. The joke about steamers was turned into a new character (the best thing out of this whole film). But why does it have to have a villain and a love-story with tsunderes? Oh, yes and all but one actresses are ancient, the main characters are pretty old too, and all these people are supposed to be younger than 30.

Also, fro some reason the central story-line was turned into a generic modernism, as if it's a hollywood "based on true events" movie.

@темы: Энтропия, Трое в лодке, не считая собаки, Three Men in a Boat, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений