суббота, 21 мая 2022
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понедельник, 07 июня 2021
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Космос Ac104LED
MediTech МТ-60
Zanussi ZFF-705
MediTech МТ-60
Zanussi ZFF-705
понедельник, 24 мая 2021
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понедельник, 14 декабря 2020
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пятница, 16 октября 2020
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четверг, 02 июля 2020
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Беспроводные наушники JBL Tune 500BT, черный
240 ГБ SSD диск WD Original (WDS240G2G0B)
Адаптер Vention USB / Bluetooth 4.0 Черный CDDB0
BRBook. Твое креативное пространство (+ стикеры) | БИГ РАШН БОСС
Бандана Rossini
Бандана Maxval
Бандана Rossini
Бандана Браво
240 ГБ SSD диск WD Original (WDS240G2G0B)
Адаптер Vention USB / Bluetooth 4.0 Черный CDDB0
BRBook. Твое креативное пространство (+ стикеры) | БИГ РАШН БОСС
Бандана Rossini
Бандана Maxval
Бандана Rossini
Бандана Браво
пятница, 06 сентября 2019
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пятница, 12 апреля 2019
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четверг, 26 июля 2018
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суббота, 23 июня 2018
пятница, 05 января 2018
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சிங்கம் (Singam)
The Birth of a ЛЕЩ
The remake was pretty tame and western, it had some romantic comedy and some action, but mostly it was just a cop movie with local flavour. Which is mostly similar for the most of the second world countries, the police depicted in singams is not much different from our local depictions, for example.
But the original version is raw and wild, the essence of the indian cinema. Romantic comedy part is very small, half of the movie is mostly “comedic”, while the rest of the runtime is pretty great action. While cinematography is not perfect and mostly consists of tacky early 2000s bits, it is used playfully and don’t ruin the fights. The clean fighting choreography would be perfect, but we have what we have. Also, i don’t think that a lot of those stunts can be done without cuts on this budget.
Funny thing, the villain is reprising his role in the remake.
Unlike the remake, the first part of the movie is somewhat dragging, with a lot of local small cases and is mostly “comedic” in tone, with the cheapest and oldest “jokes”. Here we meet our first sub-cop — a comedic sidekick cop, who aspires to be a superhuman supercop like Singam, but actually is an utter screw-up. This sub-cop, despite not being funny, kinda has his own thing and a couple of meta-ideas going on.
But when everything starts — it starts hard. The original Singam is much more gritty and angry, there is much more planted evidence, a lot of angry shouting and a lot more guns and sharp objects. In the remake series guns always were a loud full stop, a last resort thing, when fists and law aren’t enough. In Singam, it all goes like an anti-hero corrupt cop would be portrayed in the Hollywood, something on par with caped vigilantes or the Punisher. But here planting the evidence and threats of clan wars and mobbing by an entire village are depicted as something straightforward hero would do, when law and corrupt politicians don’t care for justice.
Overall, the remake tended to the mediocrity, while the original has higher highs and lower lows. So, they are about the same in quality and are not interchangeable in story nor entertainment.
சிங்கம் II (Singam 2)
ЛЕЩ international
So, it turns out, Singham Returns is a completely different movie and actually is loosely based on something else. Though, in the beginning, this sequel feels like it has as much common with the first movie as Singham Returns with its. They even introduce newromantic (comedic) interest for the hero. But, after some time, authors faithfully tie everything together.
Mostly this is more of the same. New sub-cop and comedic parts are even worse (seems like they are based on wordplay of local languages), and there is even more great action, which is even grittier. But this time Singam goes international — some scenes take place in south afrika with the help from the local cops. They even do play on how superhuman the Singam is.
சி3 \ சிங்கம் 3 (Singam 3)
Again it's basically more of the same. But this time Singam met his peer in stunning looks and superhuman powers. This movie goes all-out in fighting scenes and intense angry shouting noises.
But again, we have seemingly new romantic (comedy) interest, which again neatly ties back, and a new sub-cop, which is so nonsensical and unsubstantial, that it seems that everything was lost in translation. This sub-cop was the most irritating for me out of all three.
One song seems to be more catchy than in the previous movies, and some of the songs are even kind of diegetic.
The Birth of a ЛЕЩ
The remake was pretty tame and western, it had some romantic comedy and some action, but mostly it was just a cop movie with local flavour. Which is mostly similar for the most of the second world countries, the police depicted in singams is not much different from our local depictions, for example.
But the original version is raw and wild, the essence of the indian cinema. Romantic comedy part is very small, half of the movie is mostly “comedic”, while the rest of the runtime is pretty great action. While cinematography is not perfect and mostly consists of tacky early 2000s bits, it is used playfully and don’t ruin the fights. The clean fighting choreography would be perfect, but we have what we have. Also, i don’t think that a lot of those stunts can be done without cuts on this budget.
Funny thing, the villain is reprising his role in the remake.
Unlike the remake, the first part of the movie is somewhat dragging, with a lot of local small cases and is mostly “comedic” in tone, with the cheapest and oldest “jokes”. Here we meet our first sub-cop — a comedic sidekick cop, who aspires to be a superhuman supercop like Singam, but actually is an utter screw-up. This sub-cop, despite not being funny, kinda has his own thing and a couple of meta-ideas going on.
But when everything starts — it starts hard. The original Singam is much more gritty and angry, there is much more planted evidence, a lot of angry shouting and a lot more guns and sharp objects. In the remake series guns always were a loud full stop, a last resort thing, when fists and law aren’t enough. In Singam, it all goes like an anti-hero corrupt cop would be portrayed in the Hollywood, something on par with caped vigilantes or the Punisher. But here planting the evidence and threats of clan wars and mobbing by an entire village are depicted as something straightforward hero would do, when law and corrupt politicians don’t care for justice.
Overall, the remake tended to the mediocrity, while the original has higher highs and lower lows. So, they are about the same in quality and are not interchangeable in story nor entertainment.
சிங்கம் II (Singam 2)
ЛЕЩ international
So, it turns out, Singham Returns is a completely different movie and actually is loosely based on something else. Though, in the beginning, this sequel feels like it has as much common with the first movie as Singham Returns with its. They even introduce newromantic (comedic) interest for the hero. But, after some time, authors faithfully tie everything together.
Mostly this is more of the same. New sub-cop and comedic parts are even worse (seems like they are based on wordplay of local languages), and there is even more great action, which is even grittier. But this time Singam goes international — some scenes take place in south afrika with the help from the local cops. They even do play on how superhuman the Singam is.
சி3 \ சிங்கம் 3 (Singam 3)
Again it's basically more of the same. But this time Singam met his peer in stunning looks and superhuman powers. This movie goes all-out in fighting scenes and intense angry shouting noises.
But again, we have seemingly new romantic (comedy) interest, which again neatly ties back, and a new sub-cop, which is so nonsensical and unsubstantial, that it seems that everything was lost in translation. This sub-cop was the most irritating for me out of all three.
One song seems to be more catchy than in the previous movies, and some of the songs are even kind of diegetic.
вторник, 26 декабря 2017
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It is a short art-house puzzle game, which avoids both moon logic from P&C, and blasting through one simple puzzle after another from HOPA.
In action it looks much better than on static screenshots, and the original gameplay is great and has good kinaesthetics, even in such small actions. Though more complex controls, with dedicated "back" button would help.
It is one of the best games of this year, but it's very hipstery and art-house in it's story-like sequence thing, so while it is great, it's not the number one from this year. On a pure gameplay field, there is another contender which also does not outstand its welcome, but has more content.
In action it looks much better than on static screenshots, and the original gameplay is great and has good kinaesthetics, even in such small actions. Though more complex controls, with dedicated "back" button would help.
It is one of the best games of this year, but it's very hipstery and art-house in it's story-like sequence thing, so while it is great, it's not the number one from this year. On a pure gameplay field, there is another contender which also does not outstand its welcome, but has more content.
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A body-movie in the usual mix with a road-movie, adapted to the local realities first, and to the realities of the current local scene after. It's not entirely bad, but it's rather by the numbers. It's very mean-spirited, while also toothless and tame. There are some glimpses of quazi-working jokes here and there, but they are buried under the general platitude. And due to the influence of the american overlords, it's set in the suburbs instead of tiny flats in the city, which means all of the people portrayed are beyond-extremelly wealthy thiefs of the citizen's money.
понедельник, 25 декабря 2017
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A slow gay cowboys eating pudding movie in the unusual location with some okayoid music. But also unremarkable (literally, we watched it mostly in silence) and borderline boring.
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A common execution of a common idea. Mostly unremarkable but serviceable and enjoyable.
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A one movie in two parts, with such strange structure, that you can't really separate them without re-editing. In fact it's an entire prequel movie enveloped by the sequel movie.
Even if we re-edit them by the generations, there will be the question which one you should watch first, since the present time is building up for the reveal from past. Anyway it would go against the artistic intent, so just prepare yourself for one great three hundred and thirty minutes ride with two stories.
Part one.
"Baahubali: The Beginning"
Film starts with tame premise, which goes into a small skirmish, leading to the start of the first part of the prequel story. Mostly it is a one really good pure action movie with crazy weapons, epic battles and bizarre strategies.
The cinematography in it's purest is great, but in reality it's muddied with rather poor slow motion. The shots are great but it's that kind of old and cheap slo-mo, which is achieved by slowing down of the footage instead of using higher frame-rate camera for low frame-rate movie. So it's look stuttering and choppy. Also there is a little of lens flare in environment shots. Also there is a little bit distracting "CGI" markings on the shots with animals.
Part two.
"Baahubali 2: The Conclusion"
So... Saying that an indian movie is mostly a pure action didn't sound right for anyone who know indian scene, right? Well, here it is. The second part of the prequel starts with a mandatory cheesy romantic comedy, goes into one deep drama on the scale of The Lord of the Rings and concludes with one great long action sequence.
The slow-motion effect is improved and is less distracting. The "CGI" mark is gone, but here we can witness the indian censorship of minor gore in a brief scene.
Even if we re-edit them by the generations, there will be the question which one you should watch first, since the present time is building up for the reveal from past. Anyway it would go against the artistic intent, so just prepare yourself for one great three hundred and thirty minutes ride with two stories.
Part one.
"Baahubali: The Beginning"
Film starts with tame premise, which goes into a small skirmish, leading to the start of the first part of the prequel story. Mostly it is a one really good pure action movie with crazy weapons, epic battles and bizarre strategies.
The cinematography in it's purest is great, but in reality it's muddied with rather poor slow motion. The shots are great but it's that kind of old and cheap slo-mo, which is achieved by slowing down of the footage instead of using higher frame-rate camera for low frame-rate movie. So it's look stuttering and choppy. Also there is a little of lens flare in environment shots. Also there is a little bit distracting "CGI" markings on the shots with animals.
Part two.
"Baahubali 2: The Conclusion"
So... Saying that an indian movie is mostly a pure action didn't sound right for anyone who know indian scene, right? Well, here it is. The second part of the prequel starts with a mandatory cheesy romantic comedy, goes into one deep drama on the scale of The Lord of the Rings and concludes with one great long action sequence.
The slow-motion effect is improved and is less distracting. The "CGI" mark is gone, but here we can witness the indian censorship of minor gore in a brief scene.
воскресенье, 24 декабря 2017
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It is a fun enough movie with kind of great acting from Rock and Black. The rest of the cast is fine too, but they don’t go against the type that much, nor have a meta-established type.
It picks up about at the same place first one has ended and goes from there by the numbers, and yet it has absolutely zero memeberries, which is surprising with the current american filmmakers’ state of mind.
The universe allows to make an updated new movie every ten or so years easily. With canonically bad sub titles like re-roll, reloading or virtual unreality.
The movie could be more gamey (like how could they forgot about the zero life?) including all game-logic jokes, but on the other hand that would make it on par with awful bad “gaming” web-comics. And i’m not sure if a movie could pull that off. If only those kids would mention BTC to Alex…
It picks up about at the same place first one has ended and goes from there by the numbers, and yet it has absolutely zero memeberries, which is surprising with the current american filmmakers’ state of mind.
The universe allows to make an updated new movie every ten or so years easily. With canonically bad sub titles like re-roll, reloading or virtual unreality.
The movie could be more gamey (like how could they forgot about the zero life?) including all game-logic jokes, but on the other hand that would make it on par with awful bad “gaming” web-comics. And i’m not sure if a movie could pull that off. If only those kids would mention BTC to Alex…
пятница, 22 декабря 2017
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Posted: 20 Apr, 2015 @ 12:57am
A dumbed down casual version of the Alien Shooter 2.
But as much as i hate all of the changes - core mechanics are still amazing, solid and satisfying. So i have to recommend even this castrated version.
Also you can play at custom resolutions or even in surround if you edit some files.
A dumbed down casual version of the Alien Shooter 2.
But as much as i hate all of the changes - core mechanics are still amazing, solid and satisfying. So i have to recommend even this castrated version.
Also you can play at custom resolutions or even in surround if you edit some files.
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I accidentally stumbled upon this story when i still read translations from english and i found it really interesting, but all i remembered from it was the ring and the conclusion. Recently i read the first book and it was exceptional. In it’s core it’s like a road movie, but where nothing much happens and there is a lot of talking. In its sequel there is a lot of bonking. And strangely, for a book with so much bonking outside of the finale, it’s extremely puritan and avoids anal, oral, gay and group bonking, when those things would really solve some minor problems. It’s not like it makes the story worse, but in >>the current year the lack of free-for-all bonking is rather noticeable.
This book focuses more on technicalities, events and drama, and it was written somewhat reluctantly so it feels less grandiose than the first one, despite using more resources: more characters, more events, more happenings. It’s still really good, but doesn’t reach that level of constant huge revelations, one after another, in the entire span of text, of the first one.
I don’t really remember the translator’s artistic language, so i can’t compare it to the original, but this time there is an original artistic language. Yah.
This book focuses more on technicalities, events and drama, and it was written somewhat reluctantly so it feels less grandiose than the first one, despite using more resources: more characters, more events, more happenings. It’s still really good, but doesn’t reach that level of constant huge revelations, one after another, in the entire span of text, of the first one.
I don’t really remember the translator’s artistic language, so i can’t compare it to the original, but this time there is an original artistic language. Yah.
среда, 20 декабря 2017
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(Eh, eh! Me-member Chewbacca again?! I member!) Eh, eh! Me-member Chewbacca again?! I member! (Eh, eh! Me-member Chewbacca again?! I member!)
Well, this is not a good movie. But then again, none of Star Wars ever were. They are even mostly notorious for the exposition dump in the form of plain text on screen. While it's not good — it's good enough. Just like most of the Star Wars (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: The Force Awakens) it exists only to have some random aliens do some explosions and some poorly choreographed fights with space-wizards. In the end, it still remains a mash-up of Flash Gordon with some weaboo garbage, and is equally poor in the plot.
The story is overly complex, and not in the sense of a lot of things happening at the same time, but in the sense that it has a couple of basic bits, and repeats them over and over and over again. And when they are not repeated — the film fills those spaces with plot, which is even worse. Half of the thing do not make any sense and are really stupid. Because of that, the movie drags for too long. They should've either cut off the entirety of Finn or entirety of Rey, but since Finn was making dumb unsuccessful swashbuckling and Rey was involved in some drama-like events and had some nice cinematography — i vote for her. That would result in something like The Empire Strikes Back scenes with Yoda (so it would be like poetry — it would rhyme), but actually an entire wholesome movie with talk-talkie and philosophical musings on force and that "freedom vs. religion" thingie from the expanded universe. The one where siths are not just boring nazi regime, which is so boring it can't compete even with Necromongers as an entartainment. The Luke parts in The Last Jedi even have some themes tangential to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series (especially expanded Revan, where he rejected the Jedi Order as unquestioning traditionalist conservators who don't care for truth). It always takes some random people, to make at least anything worthy out of the Star Wars universe.
And they should've kill off all of the old characters, while they had a chance, or don't even bring up that matter. How they handled the explosion is plain retarded and is laughable.
"this time... SHALL BE DIFFERENT!!"
Member Star Wars? Well now you can member it all over again. The whole movie is extremely derivative. Remember, all those people who are really believed that seventh movie can get away with anything just because it's a transitional one, and next one will be totally independent?
The wipe transitions are awful and outdated, for a reason. First movies were made in ye olde times and can somewhat get away with them, but wipes already were just memeberries for ye oldier times. The second movies, disregarding the quality, used them as memeberries memeberring memberries for fan-service sake, but even there were some "invisible wipes" and some wipes at least trying to synchronize with the flow. Even second movies tried to make something new in the cinematography department. The Force Awakens had some, but they were at least nonintrusive. Now imagine three-layered conservative cake being fed to the movie-centipede, where the The Last Jedi is the tail. There is not that many of classic wipes, but each one makes it count. They are extremely jarring and pace-breaking, sucking you back to the past, to watch the shitty films that suck ass.
This movie repeats directly or indirectly so much, that it even wastes screen-time explaining to the viewer, that this time shall be different. When they show you another Hoth setup, one characters turns to the screen and says: well, it's salt, it's not snow, so it's okay. (And that entire part of the movie leads nowhere, anyway).
Star Wars was always at its best in short gifs, small snippets and minor characters. Member Darth Vader? He had whole twelve minutes of the screen-time in the first movie. Outside of good things recurring from the first of the third movies (Kylo Ren's ship, for example), this one has General Hux; the mirror scene; that "spark" bit from the trailer; and even those rusty speeders had some serviceable shots. All talks between Rey and Ren are kinda nice (despite non-jokes), and they handled that particular story-arc rather okay. Also the suicide-ram had kinda good cinematography (stolen from asian cartoons)... Until everything was ruined by out of nowhere weeaboo ass-crack of everything. (Also, why nobody used that before, since it basically is a BFG 9kkk? Change all your weaponry for that thing.)
And of course in the >>current year we would use film, so the whole screen would be cowered in crawling maggots, while you are trying to see what it supposed to represent.
The 3D was plain abysmal, of course.
Four alien tits out of eight. This is not as bad as some say, and Star Wars were never as good as amurikans say.
Well, this is not a good movie. But then again, none of Star Wars ever were. They are even mostly notorious for the exposition dump in the form of plain text on screen. While it's not good — it's good enough. Just like most of the Star Wars (Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: The Force Awakens) it exists only to have some random aliens do some explosions and some poorly choreographed fights with space-wizards. In the end, it still remains a mash-up of Flash Gordon with some weaboo garbage, and is equally poor in the plot.
The story is overly complex, and not in the sense of a lot of things happening at the same time, but in the sense that it has a couple of basic bits, and repeats them over and over and over again. And when they are not repeated — the film fills those spaces with plot, which is even worse. Half of the thing do not make any sense and are really stupid. Because of that, the movie drags for too long. They should've either cut off the entirety of Finn or entirety of Rey, but since Finn was making dumb unsuccessful swashbuckling and Rey was involved in some drama-like events and had some nice cinematography — i vote for her. That would result in something like The Empire Strikes Back scenes with Yoda (so it would be like poetry — it would rhyme), but actually an entire wholesome movie with talk-talkie and philosophical musings on force and that "freedom vs. religion" thingie from the expanded universe. The one where siths are not just boring nazi regime, which is so boring it can't compete even with Necromongers as an entartainment. The Luke parts in The Last Jedi even have some themes tangential to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series (especially expanded Revan, where he rejected the Jedi Order as unquestioning traditionalist conservators who don't care for truth). It always takes some random people, to make at least anything worthy out of the Star Wars universe.
And they should've kill off all of the old characters, while they had a chance, or don't even bring up that matter. How they handled the explosion is plain retarded and is laughable.
"this time... SHALL BE DIFFERENT!!"
Member Star Wars? Well now you can member it all over again. The whole movie is extremely derivative. Remember, all those people who are really believed that seventh movie can get away with anything just because it's a transitional one, and next one will be totally independent?
The wipe transitions are awful and outdated, for a reason. First movies were made in ye olde times and can somewhat get away with them, but wipes already were just memeberries for ye oldier times. The second movies, disregarding the quality, used them as memeberries memeberring memberries for fan-service sake, but even there were some "invisible wipes" and some wipes at least trying to synchronize with the flow. Even second movies tried to make something new in the cinematography department. The Force Awakens had some, but they were at least nonintrusive. Now imagine three-layered conservative cake being fed to the movie-centipede, where the The Last Jedi is the tail. There is not that many of classic wipes, but each one makes it count. They are extremely jarring and pace-breaking, sucking you back to the past, to watch the shitty films that suck ass.
This movie repeats directly or indirectly so much, that it even wastes screen-time explaining to the viewer, that this time shall be different. When they show you another Hoth setup, one characters turns to the screen and says: well, it's salt, it's not snow, so it's okay. (And that entire part of the movie leads nowhere, anyway).
Star Wars was always at its best in short gifs, small snippets and minor characters. Member Darth Vader? He had whole twelve minutes of the screen-time in the first movie. Outside of good things recurring from the first of the third movies (Kylo Ren's ship, for example), this one has General Hux; the mirror scene; that "spark" bit from the trailer; and even those rusty speeders had some serviceable shots. All talks between Rey and Ren are kinda nice (despite non-jokes), and they handled that particular story-arc rather okay. Also the suicide-ram had kinda good cinematography (stolen from asian cartoons)... Until everything was ruined by out of nowhere weeaboo ass-crack of everything. (Also, why nobody used that before, since it basically is a BFG 9kkk? Change all your weaponry for that thing.)
And of course in the >>current year we would use film, so the whole screen would be cowered in crawling maggots, while you are trying to see what it supposed to represent.
The 3D was plain abysmal, of course.
Four alien tits out of eight. This is not as bad as some say, and Star Wars were never as good as amurikans say.