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It is kind of great and focused movie with rubber masks and imperfect scene\shot narrative. Trying to achieve those final frames they made protagonist not recognizing a giant iconic statue in the middle of empty beach. While same moment can be slightly less gotcha and more emotionally impactful without breaking sense of location or protagonist.
For example: protagonist's head slowly rises above hill as in the western movies; now he sees something, his eyes express utter bewilderment; he starts slowly murmuring "no, that can't be" in disbelief; getting faster and more hysterical; screaming louder; his companion looks scared; he forces his horse to run so fast that it slightly trips, sending him out of the saddle; with continuous screaming of disbelief he gets up and runs toward the object until he trips and is on all four; continues to his original monologue.
For example: protagonist's head slowly rises above hill as in the western movies; now he sees something, his eyes express utter bewilderment; he starts slowly murmuring "no, that can't be" in disbelief; getting faster and more hysterical; screaming louder; his companion looks scared; he forces his horse to run so fast that it slightly trips, sending him out of the saddle; with continuous screaming of disbelief he gets up and runs toward the object until he trips and is on all four; continues to his original monologue.