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A generic nostalgia fake-revival game, which is a consolized first encounter, including dumb pyramids AGAIN. So, basically they removed most weapons, added some generic tacticool boring hitscans, added a lot of useless hitscan enemies and a lot of annoying timewasters. In level-design they shrank everything and included captain price giving you sudden death if you go out of intended path. On top of it you now may enjoy endless pitch black onaholes infested with crab louses.
At least some core gameplay is the same — you stand in the fartherst corner of the map and shoot your gun until green crosshair turns into red, or you run around getting kicked in the arse by kleers. Also now there are press X to melee, because of course it would be there.
Music is some faux-ethno annoying cymbals which is worsened by the greatest invention of all times — dynamic music (which means it randomly starts and stops, creating utter κακοφωνία right in your ears).
Well at least writing is okay, and it's funny to see Sejic in the credits.
It took me two and a half years to finish main campaign. SSam never was a masterpiece and this one is even more boring. Most of the game i completed little by little each time when i tested new hardware to see if my performance increased, because it run very bad on my base (old) PC and still drops FPS on GF970SLI and i7 on sub-high settings. And the settings are the best part of the whole game and have most gameplay and player agency in them.
Game runs fine at UHD UWS and offers good customization of HUD etc.
At least some core gameplay is the same — you stand in the fartherst corner of the map and shoot your gun until green crosshair turns into red, or you run around getting kicked in the arse by kleers. Also now there are press X to melee, because of course it would be there.
Music is some faux-ethno annoying cymbals which is worsened by the greatest invention of all times — dynamic music (which means it randomly starts and stops, creating utter κακοφωνία right in your ears).
Well at least writing is okay, and it's funny to see Sejic in the credits.
It took me two and a half years to finish main campaign. SSam never was a masterpiece and this one is even more boring. Most of the game i completed little by little each time when i tested new hardware to see if my performance increased, because it run very bad on my base (old) PC and still drops FPS on GF970SLI and i7 on sub-high settings. And the settings are the best part of the whole game and have most gameplay and player agency in them.
Game runs fine at UHD UWS and offers good customization of HUD etc.