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Absolutely basic and mediocre game in the genre. Despite being short (<3h) it overstays it's welcome rather soon and feels like whole 6 to 7 hours of tedium.
Works ok with the UHD UWS Surround, artstyle is also ok, but animation is janky.
The game doesn't have customizable keys and default controls are awful. Kinesthetics feels unresponsive due to every animation being played till the end and some utilitarian actions being incompatible with others. Probably because of that you always get stuck on ladders. Also be prepared to constant cheap stun-lock, since there is no "1-second ghost" while in boss battles damage is unavoidable. Final boss is a cheap crab-show of hit-scan area damage and randomness (without pattern) with constant stun-lock. It's very luck-based even on easiest and it's never even remotely fair. After which you can enjoy really long tight corridor filled with hit-scan bots and not much health packs.

Story is dumb and extremely predictable, which is also intentional, since it was made by the rules of Anglosphere Tropes 101; Book 1; Chapter 1. Intentionally bad writing is bad.

It could be a serviceable game, but dev thinks that listed above problems are features and not problems at all, and therefore is not intended to fix it. Also it's 3 years after release already.

@темы: Энтропия, Компьютерные Игры, Индустрия Развлечений