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Yet another voodoo-magic from Priest. It's not very interesting as a concept and you understand rather fast that the truth is very stupid. In times this science fiction book has a narrative of a bad trip akin to 99 Francs or Fear and Loathing. It's not the worst thing, and as a whole it's tolerable. But i can't get over just how absolutely stupid is this thing and how it just doesn't work.

I believe with such reliance on unconventional imagery you can actually make a really good visual film out of it. And the eye candy would help with suspension of disbelief immensely. The bad trip scene would be a centrepiece and with proper execution can be an iconic moment for cinema. But as a book, in the medium where narration happens through other channels this isn't any good as a concept and isn't a good read.

@темы: Christopher Priest, Книги