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Official russian translation
It's a nice movie. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies don't dissonate with each other and sometimes they are even tied nicely together.
They keep everything within the style of Pride and Prejudice and mostly avoided jokes or scenes unfitting for Pride and Prejudice. The story took the easy route for the ending but taking it seriously would clash with the tone and bring unsettling implications and intervene too much with the Pride and Prejudice outline.
And that would be another story...
It's a nice movie. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies don't dissonate with each other and sometimes they are even tied nicely together.
They keep everything within the style of Pride and Prejudice and mostly avoided jokes or scenes unfitting for Pride and Prejudice. The story took the easy route for the ending but taking it seriously would clash with the tone and bring unsettling implications and intervene too much with the Pride and Prejudice outline.
And that would be another story...