We played some multiplayer and it is kinda okay, outside of absolutely OP Sturmgewehr. But it's so bugged that each time we were stopping playing pretty fast. This time i decided to actually play through the singleplayer.
Calling a game "Heroes of Stalingrad" and starting it with a nazi campaign is a strange choice. The singleplayer is basically an emulation of multiplayer with bots. And that is not a bad idea in itself. You can play many old multiplayer games with bots to experience them. If a brain-damaged indie studio decides to create a multiplayer game — with bots it still will be playable. Every multiplayer game without bots is a living corpse and every multiplayer indie game is dead on arrival. Not a single one of them ever had any success and they just sell you an absence of a game for real money.
But the problem in this game is that they put bullet-sponge zerg-rush AI from CoD into the game where the player dies from one hit. And friendly AI is worse than useless.
Russian AI soldiers eat 4 rifle bullets to the body. Nazi AI soldiers eat 3 rifle bullets to the head. When you make a game simulating multiplayer it doesn't need a difficulty curve. Especially not when you need to play the objective and friendly AI neither plays nor shoots. And even during the easy nazi campaign the enemy AI is still twitchy, spongy and is openly wallhacking.
I gave an enemy a bullet in the guts, he killed me with a strike of a wooden stick on my iron helm.
The soviet intro is made in the style of 80s holywood action trailers and i'm kinda ok with it. The gameplay with disposable player characters emphasizes the losses in the war, instead of the retarded CoD heroism with regeneration or medkits.
But the devs couldn't be arsed to use real cyrillic words, therefore i piss on their faces. I piss right in the nostrils of the entire Tripwire team. Who couldn't be arsed to spend 30 seconds in google or hire a hobo for a bottle of counterfeit vodka.
Also, their shitty VA is using the wrong accents. That besides them hiring caucasians over slave native speakers, which are plenty in their country. Fuck every retarded developer who can't be arsed to hire natives or at least research the actual native accents, instead of making a racist mockery. Fuck Ubisoft's Prince of Persia run three times, sideways and upside down. And these idiots even mixed up Iosif with Losif. Just how dumb does one have to be to make that mistake?
The squad controls are bad and they were done right in Sacrifice ten years earlier. And why is there no a dedicated right salute button when you play as nazis?
The game really lags for no reason (with high FPS and low hardware usage). The ladders i climbed before will randomly stop working. How you can break ladders? Everything is broken and buggy.
There are a couple of interesting ideas and the tank combat is nice, but overall this is a giant steaming pile of crab. It's better to just avoid anything from Tripwire.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
| вторник, 24 ноября 2015