People who look like they know what they are talking about, tend to generate an aura of infallibility and a cult of personality. But none of them is doing anything of note, besides talking, for a reason.
There are two useful life rules to follow. First is you shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything. If you agree with a public figure once or twice, maybe ten times, even if you agree 90% of the time it doesn't make them god. Public image is a minute and thoroughly curated piece of a bigger picture. Don't be a fanboy it's embarrassing. All the things you like are made by the people you would hate if you knew them. All the people you like are unable to deliver anything of worth to you. Don't let your preferences in people cloud your judgement on the products itself.
Second one is sadly that critics can't deliver good results in their own field, and people who actually do things lack any significant experience outside their own work and can't see the bigger picture. It's just a matter of free time and in the gaming it's the worst, with constant after-hours crunches and individual titles tending to be 200 hours long collect-a-thon sandboxes. People who make games never actually play them, outside from maybe one terrible mindless pet-title. And prolific critics lack resources to make anything more complex than a little arcade time-waster.
Well, i was kind of a little-bit fanboying over Yahtzee back in the day (2009), but not to the point of actually reading his book or playing his tiny games. He was talking a lot about interactive narrative, writing and importance of actual gameplay, in a time when all the idiots were talking about "cinematic experience" so my interest is justified.
I lost any delusions, when he released Poacher and committed a terrible sin, which I bet he criticized other games over — a checkpoint in a game without quick-saves (which is already bad) before a retarded cutscene right before a hard fight, which will be repeated a lot. But games are hard to make, i still was interested in reading his book. Sadly it was already out of stock everywhere. But once he released a new one i went out of my way to import it, so it did cost me more than it should.
It is a thoroughly unfunny comedy adventure, by an old man screaming at kids these days across hefty page-count. The author entirely misses the rules of the game and ends up basically creating D'n'D satanism scare tier of juvenoia, despite his own fairly young age. Outside of terrible plot atop of a weak story, and poor tone, even the writing itself is bad. Attempts at depiction of action events through minute details, instead of general clear description, ruin any geography of a scene. Without clear comprehension of spatial relations these parts are no more than a pile of meaningless words not connected to each other. The characters are either jar-jars or direct adaptations of unpleasant internet meme images.
There's nothing good i can say about this work, it's probably the worst thing I have read outside of universally recognised pretentious graphomania of old people.
Yahtzee Croshaw — Jam
| вторник, 23 июня 2015