понедельник, 13 марта 2017
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It's some kind of a great movie. It starts with the same structure as Predator — having a sci-fi story, but with NAM visual narrative. Proceeds to be absolutely crazy in the middle and ends up with great monsters wrestling (Godzilla 2014 sucks ass).
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Basically it's the same as 3 — with a lot of visual noise, hardcore randomness and hard challenge, but finally working without bugs and having a lot of game modes. Though achievements are luck based and\or extremely grindy.
суббота, 11 марта 2017
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Позавчера они жаловались на конвейерную работу, вчера они жаловались, что машины отобрали их конвейерную работу, сегодня они грабят магазин, в котором работают.
Первая треть фильма, дополнительная сцена и музыкальный номер по той или иной причине работают до сих пор, а вот всё остальное — непримечательный, устаревший slapstick, к тому же приправленный диссонансом от случайной помеси звукового и немого фильма.
А младших сестёр кинули и больше о них не вспоминали, таков воровской кодекс.
Первая треть фильма, дополнительная сцена и музыкальный номер по той или иной причине работают до сих пор, а вот всё остальное — непримечательный, устаревший slapstick, к тому же приправленный диссонансом от случайной помеси звукового и немого фильма.
А младших сестёр кинули и больше о них не вспоминали, таков воровской кодекс.
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Низкобюджетный сценический кибервестерн.
пятница, 10 марта 2017
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Бессмысленный кукольный анимационный фильм, с такой степенью аутистичного терпильства, что неудивительно, что имя положительного героя используется исключительно как нарицательная негативная обзывалка.
К тому же озвучка Зелёной довольно упорота.
К тому же озвучка Зелёной довольно упорота.
среда, 08 марта 2017
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— Делиться!
— Делиться! Делиться!
— Делиться!
— Делиться! Делиться!
— Делиться!
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Узнаваемая рисовка с "одноголосным переводом" и абсурдистским юмором сделали этот фильм знаковым.
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Бесконечно раздутый (203 минуты) короткий фильм забитый некинематографичными или чересчур долгими сценами без смысла. При монструозной продолжительности, однако, главные герои получили не больше экранного времени чем в The magnificent seven (1960), из-за чего на экране снова "лысый", "паренёк", вместо "дяди с PTSD" "дядя-мечник", "буян" и три "дяди" вместо персонажей. Даже некоторые крестьяне получили больше индивидуальности. И по-началу первые два часа ленты, в ожидании начала самого фильма, ещё терпимы, тем более есть предвкушение развязки. Но когда начинаются сами боевые сцены — тупость фильма просто вытекает отвердевшей прямоугольно-параллелепипедной колбасой из экрана. Имея сносную стратегию исполняют её просто отвратительно — чего стоит только одинокая лошадь в замкнутом пространстве деревни наводящая ужас но целый отряд копейщиков, или люди которые планомерно пошли сдохнуть с ребёнком на водяную мельницу. Фактически, даже с бесконечной продолжительностью фильм был бы сносен, но тупость происходящего вызывает моральную боль. Да и в концовке мораль смазанная.
вторник, 07 марта 2017
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A nice contemporary piece, narrative of which (and probably of the period) is akin to some kind of social poker game. Basically, it's just more of the Pride and Prejudice (or other way around both in film and literature, to be precise).
суббота, 04 марта 2017
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Ghost in the Shell gets a section 8.
It is one of the most retarded things i ever saw. It is a cheap-ass weeb, with poor animation, dumb story, basic cyberpunk-writing on the level of 400 BC, wasting a lot of time pretending to be a crappy pointless art-house (and losing to the trailer of the USA live action re-make in every aspect), with dialogues written by normies, who have no agency and barely realize own sentience (and even that, is not likely) with pointless tech designed and created by humanities, with random reasoning without reason, paper-thin world, which has more contradictions than coherences, and even every "that scene", which are quoted everywhere, turns out to be pointless garbage, barely related to the plot and extremely ineffective.
This film is a dumb baby's first cyberpunk fanfic written by an amateur, filmed on no budget by pretentious cuck, without narrative nor writing, sold to dumb people, who don't understand biological brain function or sentience, and who have no agency. Even judging with USA-type critique — it's a pile of crap: first, there are no backstories and no invisible exposition, second, there is no character progression, third, there is no "flawed characters" (and i'm getting sick even from mentioning this cancer unreasoning), fourth, none of the characters are "relatable" (i am sick).
The movie has no own merit. The best you can get out of this ordeal are pretentious essays which dived so deep up it's posterior in search of deeper meaning, that they've actually found some. And the funniest thing is that they've found the exact same themes and meanings as in the absolutely scatterbrain and disjointed drug trip Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (and probably in the Blade Runner by association). Also it kind of tries to be a political thriller (?) and as we know, asian cinema school absolutely can not into political movies so far.
Why exactly the most acclaimed "cyberpunk" film, is an absolute pile of crap for retarded people, while any the most bottom of the barrel cyberpunk movie is actually kind of brilliant? Maybe it's because it's cyberPUNK and cannot be understood by normies who don't even have agency? In the genre which is by design should be as niche as possible, the most popular pieces are actually the worst and the least representative for it. Blade Runner is the most basic boy meets girl, and this is at most the Erotic Sounds of Butthurt Idle Animated Scenes for Relaxation to be Played in Background.
The "symbolism" is supposed to be a tool, to explain complex thing with familiar image, or to reinforcу the main theme with minor details. Not to explain an utmost trivial thing with complex image of paint drying. Symbolism for the sake of symbolism (aka decadence), is a meaningless pile of cucketry for stupid people who consider themselves above others, just because they pretend to see deeper meaning where there is none and can't use normal words to deliver their message to sane people.
It is one of the most retarded things i ever saw. It is a cheap-ass weeb, with poor animation, dumb story, basic cyberpunk-writing on the level of 400 BC, wasting a lot of time pretending to be a crappy pointless art-house (and losing to the trailer of the USA live action re-make in every aspect), with dialogues written by normies, who have no agency and barely realize own sentience (and even that, is not likely) with pointless tech designed and created by humanities, with random reasoning without reason, paper-thin world, which has more contradictions than coherences, and even every "that scene", which are quoted everywhere, turns out to be pointless garbage, barely related to the plot and extremely ineffective.
This film is a dumb baby's first cyberpunk fanfic written by an amateur, filmed on no budget by pretentious cuck, without narrative nor writing, sold to dumb people, who don't understand biological brain function or sentience, and who have no agency. Even judging with USA-type critique — it's a pile of crap: first, there are no backstories and no invisible exposition, second, there is no character progression, third, there is no "flawed characters" (and i'm getting sick even from mentioning this cancer unreasoning), fourth, none of the characters are "relatable" (i am sick).
The movie has no own merit. The best you can get out of this ordeal are pretentious essays which dived so deep up it's posterior in search of deeper meaning, that they've actually found some. And the funniest thing is that they've found the exact same themes and meanings as in the absolutely scatterbrain and disjointed drug trip Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (and probably in the Blade Runner by association). Also it kind of tries to be a political thriller (?) and as we know, asian cinema school absolutely can not into political movies so far.
Why exactly the most acclaimed "cyberpunk" film, is an absolute pile of crap for retarded people, while any the most bottom of the barrel cyberpunk movie is actually kind of brilliant? Maybe it's because it's cyberPUNK and cannot be understood by normies who don't even have agency? In the genre which is by design should be as niche as possible, the most popular pieces are actually the worst and the least representative for it. Blade Runner is the most basic boy meets girl, and this is at most the Erotic Sounds of Butthurt Idle Animated Scenes for Relaxation to be Played in Background.
The "symbolism" is supposed to be a tool, to explain complex thing with familiar image, or to reinforcу the main theme with minor details. Not to explain an utmost trivial thing with complex image of paint drying. Symbolism for the sake of symbolism (aka decadence), is a meaningless pile of cucketry for stupid people who consider themselves above others, just because they pretend to see deeper meaning where there is none and can't use normal words to deliver their message to sane people.
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Basically, it is Wolverine on the moon 2.0. It has a lot of dumb stuff, but overall it is okay, has nothing notable in it or outstanding.
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It is an enjoyable watch, with some unconventional scenes, poor combat action, but okay car action and Kingsley just having his fun.
четверг, 02 марта 2017
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Бесцельный новогодний музыкальный фильм в том же духе, что и поздние Старые песни о главном.
среда, 01 марта 2017
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Instead of a hypstery diary with excessive imaginationland enveloping and other delirium we got a post-modernistic clownish slap-stick comedy. The banal sexism of XVIII century was replaced with soviet post-modernistic feminism. The self-diagnosing eternal hipsters were turned into Jerome personally, and overall the characters are quite mean-spirited here. The contemporary history piece about graves was turned into another scene with a clown — the graveyard keeper. The movies pays a ton of attention to the dog. While it is used good in a scene where it retrieves the boat, but unending sound-barks are irritating. The joke about steamers was turned into a new character (the best thing out of this whole film). But why does it have to have a villain and a love-story with tsunderes? Oh, yes and all but one actresses are ancient, the main characters are pretty old too, and all these people are supposed to be younger than 30.
Also, fro some reason the central story-line was turned into a generic modernism, as if it's a hollywood "based on true events" movie.
Also, fro some reason the central story-line was turned into a generic modernism, as if it's a hollywood "based on true events" movie.
вторник, 28 февраля 2017
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Одна короткая и трудная карта для Half-Life c неплохой планировкой уровней.
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It would be unfair to criticize this for HL2 being dull grey console action with impotent gunplay, boring and humanities-level-retarded guns, bad inventory, really idiotic art-style, amounts of stamina akin to average HL2 fanboy, while it considers FOV a "cheat" and has absolutely screwed up lens curvature. Instead i'll talk only about differences.
Level-design. Level-design! These levels are even somewhat better than HL1. They use space most efficiently, look logical and are not a one corridor from start to finish with vortigaunts licking your posterior-checks every 10 seconds in the "free-roam" cut-scenes. This is just great! And the story is slightly better than HL2, while writing is as bad, but narrative is just great. Also it doesn't overstay it's welcome and clocks about 4 hours.
Level-design. Level-design! These levels are even somewhat better than HL1. They use space most efficiently, look logical and are not a one corridor from start to finish with vortigaunts licking your posterior-checks every 10 seconds in the "free-roam" cut-scenes. This is just great! And the story is slightly better than HL2, while writing is as bad, but narrative is just great. Also it doesn't overstay it's welcome and clocks about 4 hours.
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Анимационная короткометражка ещё со старыми, неотшлифованными дизайнами персонажей, приправленным постмодернизмом повествованием и шутками и сюжетом про кролика-эксплуататора с совершенно oh-lol-so-random концовкой.
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"Артхаусная" музыкальная короткометражка с очень интересным стилем и, в большинстве своём, хорошими песнями. В >>current year главное чтобы его левонаци не обнаружили.
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Простенькая короткометражка написанная по законам самой серии. Но учитывая что серия длится десятки лет, то эти штампы уже не развлекают. К тому же сюжет заканчивается ничем. Танцевально-музыкальный номер, конечно, выделяется, но достаточно дешёв.
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Masturbatory poorly shot short, which just slightly recontextualize the opening of the fourth movie.