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When people claim that all old FPS were obtuse labyrinths this is exactly what they mean. These games of follow-up second wave all feature LOL-I-TROLL-U level design, while offering mostly the same gameplay as the first wave of that generation.

This one is basically more of the Duke Nukem 3D, but with asian theme, new weapons and enemies and slightly improved engine. New character is more irritating and by nowadays standards even "racist", with jokes being even less funny.

Weaponry is somewhat interesting, but again, blast radius of explosives hurts player more than enemies, which renders them less useful. The rest are usual hit-scan guns and couple of projectile ones. So in the end you'll use only 2-3 of the same guns for the whole duration of the game. Usage of voxels could be impressive for the time, but they should spend them on enemies instead of gun models, so you could properly calculate distances and aim vertically.

Foes are unremarkable demons, with only notable one, being also the most irritating. Suicide bomber is often placed in blind spots and then his corpse plays overly long animation of rising ghost, before you could finally hurt it. And if you fail to do that in time, it'll start to fly around, turning sideways while being 2D sprite, so you have additional trouble to see where to shoot.

Turrets and limited vehicles are supposed to be the new gameplay element (but we all know how well it turned out), but they are extremely clumsy, while also being done better in a game released one month prior to this one.

Wanton Destruction is just more of the same, with only notable thing being the swap of shurikens to darts.

Twin Dragon is even more of the same, with only notable thing being obnoxious all-over-the-place abundance of ugly Level Infinity logos.

Redux is a great version, which works just fine on modern PCs, combining everything that there is to this game in one neat bundle.

Basically, this game can be recommended only to people who crave more of the same Duke Nukem 3D gameplay or who never played DN3D, due to ignorance or repulsion to the setting, though Shadow Warrior is not that much tonally different.

@темы: Энтропия, Shadow Warrior, Компьютерные Игры, Индустрия Развлечений



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Official russian translation.

oh shit waddup here comes dat meme

dam kids get out of my lawn with your satanic internet


It is so retarded it's actually fun to watch. Be afraid of the internet it'll turn you into a zombie! You won't believe which dankest memes they use!

@темы: Кинотеатр, Энтропия, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений, cell

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Official russian translation.

Sid is the last celibate of the original group (that was supposed to be a doomed gay proxy family passing the planet to the new king of the jungle), so this movie is about giving him a girl too. Despite sid being gross and stupid comic relief, he got an ultra-conventional bombshell (conditionaly). Though, if you can even remember, the Mammoth's girl was utterly kooky, so all's fair.

Otherwise, it's just the more of the same Ice Age sequel — some call to arms happens, Scrat ruins everything, overcrowded roster of characters only grows bigger, Sid being dumb and gross.

@темы: Мультипликация/анимация, Кинотеатр, Индустрия Развлечений, ice age



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Neon Demon

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Official russian translation

It is a pretentious shallow insubstantial cucketry about nothing, made for cinema students without any taste to fap to. It pretends to have cinematography the same way a kid is trying to act adult by swearing in the wrong places and wearing FUBAR makeup. It has a lot of ten-minutes long stretches of nothing happening on the screen. It treats the viewer like an idiot who can't pinpoint where the sound is coming from. And the story bits are random plot-magic, just because.

It's like High Rise but without everything interesting. It's another unimaginative garbage like Mulholland Drive.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Энтропия, Neon Demon, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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It is a run of the mill movie in it's genre, with run of the mill structure, and it is a run of the mill work of its creator. It's tolerable.

It's a better version of The Twilight Saga, but it has no real conclusion.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Cafe Society, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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Ghostbusters 2016 is 4% of the brain.
Ghostbusters 2016 is cancer infected with aids.
Ghostbusters 2016 is even worse than your lowest expectations.
Ghostbusters 2016 is sixteen adamsandlers quadroanalpenetreting four adamsandlers in a film written, directed and edited by adamsandlers, each being quadroanalpenetrated by four adamsendlers. And that's even before we try to compare it to the original movie. It pretends to pretend to be a comedy and pretends to be an action movie. Failing miserably at both. The cinematography is a hack job with bad angles and random incomprehensive cuts.

No one ever asked for remake; same-name-remakes are crime.
First movie had a cast of diverse characters, in the re-make everyone on screen is a retarded clown. There is a main straight guy and a lot of skepticism in the first one, in the re-make everyone on screen is a retarded clown. In the original the VFX are uncanny and ghostly, in the re-make everything is generic garbage. The original film is pseudo-scientific and tame, the re-make is "OLOLO SCIFI PLASTIC PEW-PEW". the first film is a real movie, the re-make tries to shoehorn itself into 3 "genre" categories. The original created new concepts, this one is tropey and in itself is re-make.
In the first film the events were logical and characters acted like real people, especially the government officials. Here, they spend the whole run-time on unfunny unjokes and overhyping all the new toys, only to have pathetic poorly made, poorly edited fake post-"action"-scenes, in the best tradition of the Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace acting with CGI memes.
And this is basically everything what's wrong with the Ghostbusters (2016), five years before the release, in a Campster's video


Localization is terrible and flat, as if the original version of this movie wasn't terrible and flat enough.

@темы: Кинотеатр, ghostbusters, Энтропия, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений



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[20$ tier Kickstarter backer]

Yet another x-com remake, this time in realistic-cartoon art-style, streamlined, simplified and with tycoon mechanics being completely cut-out.

Ground combat is pretty standard and since standard is what makes this genre, that means it's good (unlike XCOM, which plays more like JSRPG than TBT). But with smaller scope of the whole game and cutting out of a lot of mechanics from x-com, ground combat is the thing which you will do a lot, so much, that you'll start to use airstrike button to skip it. Which makes lack of auto-resolve button on some other mission-types, like terror, slightly annoying. Chasing aliens on the big map with lots of civilians and slow-thinking AI starts to wear thin after 30th hour.
With new balance and items, you won't be playing with squads of highly trained army-men till the endgame, but with lots of spec-ops assault doods holding riot shield and throwing grenades everywhere, since it's extremely effective.

Meta-game is significantly shrank, compared to the x-com, tech tree is smaller and manufacturing is not constant concern, but used for single time upgrades. Instead of Lord of War simulator, now your whole economy is based on governmental dotations and looting crash-lands. With it all storage management is absent, everything which is not falling in line with developer's vision is automatically sold. Using alien\civillian weapons is possible only during missions and with great penalty, which kinda creates negative possibility space. Same goes for prisoners, everyone is auto-executed, all bodies are destroyed; no more supplying disneyland xenopark with new live exhibits. Even the bases do not become outdated, but automatically upgrade themselves for free.

Air combat features new mini-game, which should be improvement over x-com, but it's so convoluted, cluttered with unreadable GUI and overall unnecessary, that you can just use auto-resolve all the time and fly in bigger squadrons.

Art-style isn't striking or beautiful, but it's that clear, realistic cartoonish look, which is often used in 2d indie tycoon-games, so it makes it peculiar to see it in the different genre. Game works fine in UHD UWS Surround by using pillar-boxing. It's kinda pity to lose all that additional space, but as far as i can remember it works just out of the box. Though it's easier to scroll with keys than with mouse edge scroll because of that.

Technically game isn't in perfect condition, some events are causing crashes, so better to save more often. But overall at least nothing is game-breaking.

Overall it's very streamlined and simplified x-com with not much new mechanics, but it is serviceable and utilitarian, despite being buggy. And most important — unlike XCOM it's not a soapy console movie in the completely different genre, all-while being equally\more buggy but from rich AAA publisher churning out DLCs and not small crumbling indie development team.

Will now wait for aquaxenauts bug-fix-re-skin-expand game.

@темы: X-Com, Компьютерные Игры, Xenonauts


grey goo

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It's a simple straightforward RTS game with diverse factions, but each has a small selection of units. And aircrafts and artillery are pretty much useless. It's rather pretty and good enough for singleplayer, though it has problems lauching and conflicts with overlay programms and Razer Synapse.

Emergence Campaign

Instead of giving you three new mission for every faction so you can try out the new units, and then three mission for the new faction, they made a genious decision to give you one mission for earthlings, one stealth mission for goo and one usual mission for goo. I like the game and this is more content than less content, but it should've been better.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, grey goo, Индустрия Развлечений

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The shows starts with an intro which is one of the greatest short-form cinematic narratives ever created, with an amazing music combining the old, the mood, the new and the timeless.
The world is rather creative and the style of water-stained flat colours is standing out, even if not an artistic or technical masterpiece, it's an appropriately hipster 10s for zoomers. The first season tackles a fairly high IQ type of the character, which knows how the world works and how to make it work. The character who sees through it and is not crushed by self-pity, but enjoys it out of own volition. The character, who knows that only bad people can get it all and do whatever they want, just like in the real life. The jokes do range from good to tolerable, but they often use the world itself as a vessel, which makes writing competent, even if it's not unique or even fresh. The ending slightly recontextualizes the ride, making it tropey and normie. It still tries to say something, to mean something, not much, not important, but at least something. They wanted to say it, they said ut, full stop. Sabrina's Christmas Wish is just a one more unremarkable episode, not really harming anything.

Second season pick ups where the first left and actually starts as a good utilitarian sequel, moving the world and the story forward. But then they are obviously run out of ideas or get a strong injection of the fresh green right into the veins, and therefore dropped everything and reversed all the changes back. This fat titty has yet to produce more delicious milk. Overall ark just elaborately explained the story, which was already perfectly told by the span of the intro sequence. The season just explained the character which we already know for 1,5 seasons. And the rest of the episodes after the retracting of story was plain cellophane. A useless unmemorable filler without any meaning. And they've even ended the season a whole episode too late, with terrible trash. The eleventh episode would've at least serve as a nice season finale.

The third season rides on a pale horse. It's recent seasons of The Simpsons. Everyone hopes for it to just end. It's a modern sellout Metallica. Every episode i watched — i wanted nothing more, but for Bojack to keep at least some of the character's dignity and to Kurt Cobain. And he didn't. Not even in the final episode. This titty is yet to fulfill its contractual obligations. The season ends with an utmost atrocious setup for the fourth season.
Now it's just an "R"-rated Adventure Time with wacky inconsequent adventures, bearing no meaning, all while normielazying every character into pathetic mediocrity. Because of course there can no be smart people, because of course everyone who knows the system and exploits it has to be karmically punished with inner suffering, because of course everyone has to have daddy issues. Well, keep believing that, average joe, while everyone, including the creators of such narratives, enjoys their leisure and you suffer your pathetic joyless meaningless life of being meat placeholder on a job only fit for robots. You shouldn't think that bad people have it good by being bad and suffer no consequences. Just forget about the first season, it's all over now. Enjoy your daddy issues.
Because it's your fault that your dad never loved you and fled the family.

@темы: Мультипликация/анимация, Энтропия, BoJack Horseman, Индустрия Развлечений

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The City of Ember (2003)
The People of Sparks (2004)

The builders of Ember are retarded, they deprived the vault dwellers of any ye olde knowledge but still think that they would survive in the wastelands after one way trip through the river. What if it is winter there? How megapolis type folk are supposed to instantly became farmers, when they don’t even know what sun is or what trees are.

Otherwise, the first book is OK by itself, but i can’t remember anything from the movie. It was something-something retro-futurism art-deco and not ye olde and raggedy enough. It bombed similarly to Golden Compass but unlike that, its second book is plain war and xenophobia are bad mmkay, where in His Dark Materials stuff got only crazier. Well, overall, the sequel teaches kids to speak to adults, and to avoid unforeseen consequences. It’s mildly entertaining so you can ignore tarded premise. First story was a self-contained tale type with the symbolic egress ending. This one picks up exactly where the story left us, and grounds the whole world by depicting realistic consequences and a realistic solution.
The Diamond of Darkhold (2008)

Hm, a post-apocalyse born grandpa used the word “slowpoke”, which was entirely seized by the Poketto Monsuta translation team. A human, who still remembers it as is won’t survive the apocalypse, well, rather soon they will all die from old age in the real life (the book is written in 2008). And the word “slowpoke” after resurfacing with the same meaning due to the popularity of Poketto Monsuta franchise, has already morphed into just “slow” (noun).

The story suffers from poetically retarded humanities — they made only one trip to salvage some stuff from the city, instead of utterly ransacking it. The could take all the lights, all the houses, all the wires and floodlights into their village. What retard would leave generator parts behind? Or so much pipework? Any way that is pure extracted and already refined metal, ready to be re-used.

And that’s in case of not re-habituating it for winters, and just making new fields outside, with new wiring from the solar…
So all this time the builders had extremely effective solar generators, which could be repaired from inside the city, with some lift-thing, but instead they’ve built an ancient weak generator, which was failing and degrading, as a main energy source? City of Ember should never had sequels. In a way, the fact that there is no second, third (especially third) or fourth movies after the City of Ember is a good thing (unlike His Dark Materials). It keeps the story clean and self-sufficient. It doesn’t plug some holes by creating other ones.

And the aliens subplot is not developed beyond declaration of its existence.

@темы: Энтропия, Jeanne DuPrau, The Books of Ember, Книги, Индустрия Развлечений

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The Bourne Identity
It is a pretty boring run of the mill spy+amnesia movie with a good music and sound design.

The cinematography of the action scenes is already reached shaky-cam-no-acting era, where the main lead don't need to train or learn to act, or do anything at all. The crew of such movies think so high of their audience, that they think that if they shake camera a lot during childish slapfight it would look as good as Bruce Lee. Well, at least we are still not at the death of thousand cuts. tenor[1]
I tried to watch it several times before, but each time i just fell asleep in the beginning.

The Bourne Supremacy

It’s only the second film, but the music is already an utter useless generic orchestral trash. Only extreme waves is any differing from the white noise.

The rest is basically more of the same.

The Bourne Ultimatum

It is an unasked for sequel, to unasked for sequel, tying whole story into yet another Total Recall tale.

Also, it's the most boring of the three. Well it could be worse, Bourne films could be Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy level terrible.

@темы: Bourne, Энтропия, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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Official russian translation

So, it's basically more of the same. It has one great scene, but unlike X-Men: Apocalypse it doesn't run its full course to a resolution. It just ends abruptly and in a very jarring way cut into the bad leitmotif, which is in an entirely different genre.
It's like since the first movie they actually do know how to pick good music for a movie, but for some reason, they have to use the awful generic impotent orchestral soundtrack. For a space themed film!

Screw modern soundtracks, they are tosh.

@темы: Star Trek, Энтропия, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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This is one of the less embarrassing Sandler movie, despite a half of the jokes being unjokes. Maybe because it wasn't directed by Sandler.

Vanilla Ice and Terry Crews are the ones who bring it above the margin.

@темы: The Magnificent Seven, Энтропия, Seven Samurai, The Ridiculous 6, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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Basically it's more of the same. They present a collection of old tropes with a sufficient quality of animation. But the sequel is an improvement due to the slightly more stable direction, the reduction of annoying sound-barks, and having some nice story beats.

@темы: Мультипликация/анимация, Snedronningen, Снежная королева 2: Перезаморозка, Снежная королева, Индустрия Развлечений

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Utterly utilitarian barely challenging puzzle game. Core gameplay is balanced around item shop, which let's you to brute force yourself through every level on gold without much gold-grinding or effort. Visually and audially the game is mediocre and unremarkable, without much of content in those fields. Level-design has some effort in it, but again balance makes every level equally easy and meaningless.

The weakest part is GUI\UX: it's very hard to tell which card is below the one facing you in faced-up columns, there is no easy replay button in 3-star metagame, which is a cardinal sin for this meta, game just automatically ends when you out of cars, even if you have required card in your hand to take last remaining card from the table. When you restart levels with barely-HOG-half-cut-scenes you have to watch\play them every time.
But. But this game is so easy, that that doesn't matter that much, since you don't care what happening on the screen and lazily click cards which you barely bother to recognize, to kill some time sublimating your desire for productive work in order to appease you aversion for any actual work or effort, if you can't tolerate lack of any player agency, outdated throwback-to-80s GUIs and awful writing in modern big AAA and indie games without any speck of originality.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, Индустрия Развлечений

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It's like skyrim with guns, but with less guns and more cars and some cars have some guns; id est yet another run of the mill console sandbox action game with awful controls, berserk camera, dos-era obtuse GUI, outdated soapy graphics and despicably bad combat.

First of all game is very buggy, it conflicts with every existing overlay, including steam one and has 50% chance to start up (or not); when you got lucky and finally got into the game itself, it runs absolutely fine on ultra at UHD UWS Surround on 970 SLI, unless it doesn't, then it randomly jumps from 5fps to your maximum and lags\freezes every 30sec.

Gameplay is a usual avalanche collect-a-thon with barely functional car combat with unfitting damage model and utterly awful auto-aim, which wastes ammo in some random direction and don't want to shoot where you aim at all, while being in pace-breaking console slowdown-on-aim assist. Harpoon is fine element, but again controls and auto-aim are awful. Second major part is an assassin creed's wait-for-parry+can't-have-weapon waiting telegraph game, which probably evolved from something like 3d zelda or other console garbage and was forgotten in ww2 spunkgurgleweewee era, until arkham 1 made it popular again and with bunch of enemies instead of 1 on 1. And the best part is that you can't see crab, because camera is up protagonist's posterior, while he getting smashed from behind, out of the camera's FOV. Level design is pedestrian but utilitarian and loot locations are not on par with ones from stalker, for example. But at least final battle doesn't involve more bad fistfighting. Magic radar dog mini-game is okayish, but is pretty boring.
You will purchase most of upgrades in the first half of the game only to get your car wrekt in every battle without room for improvement, in second half, while having a lot of instances being stunlocked on foot.

Textures are meh, hairs, outside of eyelashes, look extremely bad and you can't turn some intolerable cancerous "cinematic" post-fx off, so enjoy spending half of the time in hand to hand combat in legaly-blind-o-vision while having insufficient FOV both in car and on foot. Game's gamma is totally dark and you can't see crab in tunnels, and unlike real night-time lighting (as in stalker or ex machina), here it's all console low-contrast soap with unbelievably weak flashlight.

Art direction is also mixed bag, max's clothes are great, but all "customizable" magnum opuses will look the same for every player, since upgrades are linear and pretty straightforward, all cars are very similar to each other, with minor alterations and can't compete with fury road designs.

Plotline is simple with every tropey story beat you would expect from such story and boring english-language writing in general, but at least it managed to avoid dissonance with the character they built. Tonally it feels like it's road warrior tries to make yet another decynicising story in post mad max (1) state. Which is somewhat uncanny, since it's set in the location and time period of fury road.

So, each and every point is in marginally tolerable state, even the story's tone picks after boring and unmemorable road warrior instead of equally boring but memorable fury road, which will fit chaotic nature of player's agency much better. What makes this game worthy are some narrative pieces, like maggots, left-hand cars and preferring V8 engine to the sticky used grill. And total lack of any open world car-combat games on market, even such lousy as this one. Yay, you are an winner of special olympics, you got bronze medal in the race with one participant.

Handful of maggots out of 10.

@темы: Энтропия, Компьютерные Игры, Индустрия Развлечений, Mad Max

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The first film was a great success that supported this many movies. I have a VHS of the first one so i saw it many times in my childhood; i tried to keep up at first with the sequels, but they all are pretty meh. So the decision to catch up was made only in preparation for the premiere of the fifth film.

While Sid was always there, and the third film had Buck, this is the point where the franchise finally went from being about animals to having furries. They are stuck with inherited animal animals, and the increasing number of the new furry characters creates a clash of style. Besides being a vessel to gift the tiger a girl, this is just filler. It's tolerable.

@темы: Мультипликация/анимация, Ice Age, Энтропия, Индустрия Развлечений

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Намнгого менее постыдный типичный боевичок про напарников с Роком, чем ожидалось из рекламных роликов.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Central Intelligence, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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It is pretty good on the technical level, but the designs are slightly annoying — they tried to replicate Disney's ostriches style of 3D CGI characters. Sound design is irritating, direction and editing are all over the place and are lousy in general.

Meh, it's tolerable.

@темы: Мультипликация/анимация, Snedronningen, Снежная королева (2012), Снежная королева, Индустрия Развлечений