This one is basically more of the Duke Nukem 3D, but with asian theme, new weapons and enemies and slightly improved engine. New character is more irritating and by nowadays standards even "racist", with jokes being even less funny.
Weaponry is somewhat interesting, but again, blast radius of explosives hurts player more than enemies, which renders them less useful. The rest are usual hit-scan guns and couple of projectile ones. So in the end you'll use only 2-3 of the same guns for the whole duration of the game. Usage of voxels could be impressive for the time, but they should spend them on enemies instead of gun models, so you could properly calculate distances and aim vertically.
Foes are unremarkable demons, with only notable one, being also the most irritating. Suicide bomber is often placed in blind spots and then his corpse plays overly long animation of rising ghost, before you could finally hurt it. And if you fail to do that in time, it'll start to fly around, turning sideways while being 2D sprite, so you have additional trouble to see where to shoot.
Turrets and limited vehicles are supposed to be the new gameplay element (but we all know how well it turned out), but they are extremely clumsy, while also being done better in a game released one month prior to this one.
Wanton Destruction is just more of the same, with only notable thing being the swap of shurikens to darts.
Twin Dragon is even more of the same, with only notable thing being obnoxious all-over-the-place abundance of ugly Level Infinity logos.
Redux is a great version, which works just fine on modern PCs, combining everything that there is to this game in one neat bundle.
Basically, this game can be recommended only to people who crave more of the same Duke Nukem 3D gameplay or who never played DN3D, due to ignorance or repulsion to the setting, though Shadow Warrior is not that much tonally different.