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@темы: Приобретения



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Old and rather junky FPS with some hardcore mechanics, like rhytm-jumping and ricocheting. Narrative is sketchy - it's nice that you are playing flashbacks but out of body experience and changes of protagonists rarely fit the FPS genre; story itself is weak. Graphics are rather good, while animations and voice-acting are trashy. But music is god-tier.

The most mixed thing is level-design. First half of the game consists of same corridors, same underground stations (but unlike ones from Metro 2033 these are realistic and pretty ones, and not copypasted brown dumpsters full of hobos, so there is some local flavour there) and same train segments, which remind similar level from unreal tournament. While they are really fitting thematically they are very linear and boring. Later levels are more complex, but still, overall game is full of unclear objectives and boring fetches in semi-linear and samey labyrinths. Though sometimes developers really tried to do everything right. Sheer dullness of these levels made me nostalgic for unreal, and i don't even like that game.

Technically it's stable and works on modern systems, but resolution is capped, alt-tab freezes the game and it can't be played on surround.

It's ok. At least not another console soapy movie. Still it drags on a little too long.

@темы: Метро-2, Компьютерные Игры

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Времена года 2
Unlocked 19 Apr, 2015 @ 12:46am

Времена года 3: Проклятие ведьмы-вороны

This is the third game-shaped no challenge busywork in the series for all your game-shaped no challenge busywork needs. Now half of the levels are puzzles. Every odd one is the same tile matcher, every even one is either a kind of hidden object, a tile swapper or spot the difference. You have three spells for tile-matching and some of the tiles are mana to reload your spells. While you can have all three spells ready at the start of the level, only one can be reloaded. Also, you get a new spell each time you finish the next set of levels, so your arsenal is constantly rotating, discarding the oldest spell you have.

The levels are often designed around using bonuses to get the goal. And pre-put rainbow powerups (colour change) are often useless, changing nothing. That is especially jarring when it must rearrange the second colour-locked field. It doesn't work so you have to cast a spell. Due to the whole mobile paradigm using spells feels like you are losing money. It's just a stable connotation of the free to play market. That's why i'm not a fan of levels where you have to use magic. And there are a lot of those in the later game. The old lightning bonus model is now used for a horizontal freezer malus. It can look both ways, but that's breaking the inherited knowledge.

In the second half of the hidden object stages, the design gets quite lazy. How about a hamster in the sky? How about the picture not fitting into the 4:3 aspect ratio because the devs did pan and scan poorly. How about an invisible fan? Or a bird? Also, when you gather lizards, do you do it so they will be boiled alive?

After the first two games, you start the third one with the help of the previous antagonists. That's cool. The games looks pretty nice for the most part: planes, racial castles across the world, wonder-yonder fish-whale etc. I like the character art. Locked tiles now look much better than in the first game, but still not perfect.
Despite the developers being russian, in the russian text, all of the girls are using male pronouns.

It's the same extremely lenient game. But i still have never solved the secret of the Crow Witch, because the ending is broken and doesn't work.

@темы: Времена года, Компьютерные Игры, Индустрия Развлечений

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A tile matcher with a fine theme and nice looks, it has the potential to be great, but there's a lot of problems with it. The mouse feels very off and sluggish. The score frenzy makes the colours dull and it's much harder to find similar tiles. Also during this 3-seconds-long bonus you can get a pop-up which will ruin everything. The bonus tiles are very noisy and look as if they are of a different colour. Also there's a severe difficulty curving. First level plays itself, the later ones have like 1-2 combinations and then they have to shuffle again, wasting your time.

Also the Steam release has problems. The game often crashes erasing some of your progress.

Ну кто так строит?

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, Сокровища Монтесумы, Индустрия Развлечений

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Another show from the Stargate universe. It's a little bit too late to fit its slight edginess into 2000s zeitgeist. And too early to present its basic characters as a frontier of (re/pro)gressive values. With those ingredients and show’s general premise it mostly focuses on character relations, instead of aliens and sociological high concepts. Their struggle to survive and to conquer Big Dumb Object is somewhat reminiscent of the Atlantis.

Well it's still alright, though it has ended on a semi-cliffhanger.

@темы: Stargate Universe, stargate, Кино

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Классический американский боевик со вкусом китайской еды. Сам по себе не слишком примечательный, но абсурдный сюрреализм и специальные эффекты просто выдающиеся.

@темы: Big Trouble in Little China, Кино

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Очередной посредственный would-you-kindly приставочный боевик с пришлёпнутыми с боку "необычными" механиками, которые на самом деле работают только в заранее подготовленных местах. Настолько же посредственна история и убого повествование. Самое тупое, что в игре есть идиотские дневники-звукозаписи, притом, что наравне с ними используются призрачные сценки из прошлого. Зачем? Если уж не делать прекрасное участие в действе как Анабиоз: Сон разума, то хотя бы использовать киношное повествование с управляемый камерой чем из радиопостановок книг. И это в игре-то.

Оружие безмерно уныло и все улучшения на нём, в отличии от Bioshock не отображаются. Да и в целом система улучшений бесполезна, стандартный набор небольших улучшений здоровья и прочего. Единственное интересное сочетание — это умение sharpshooter в комбинации с многоствольным пулемётом, оно даёт запредельную точность при высокой скорострельности.

Планировка уровней дико слабая, повсюду торчат невидимые стены и бесконечные самозакрывающиеся двери и падения на пол роста вниз, настолько наглые, что иногда дверь самозакрывается в заранее установленном поле зрения игрока.

Технически игра убога в изрядной степени. Во первых нет FOV и слабые настройки графики, текстуры качеством не очень, и совершенно нет субтитров или, хотя бы, регулировки громкости голоса.

В целом игра похожа на родного брата timeshift. Тому достался приличный порт и крутые пушки, а здесь чуть-чуть получше манипуляция со временем. Притом враги унылы в одинаковой степени.

Ну и конечно же нереалистичные стереотипы, уровня БАНЯ ВОДКА СОВЕТСКИЙ МЕДВЕДЬ НАШ.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, Индустрия Развлечений

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Фильм, который чувствует себя настолько умным, что ему будет комфортнее в собственной заднице чем с другими людьми. По сути это типичное кинцо про "изменить прошлое" с полным игнорированием энтропии. К временной белиберде они зачем-то ещё добавили нарезку в духе Memento, чтобы уж точно люди думали, что фильм на самом деле бесконечно 1337.

@темы: Primer (2004), Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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People who look like they know what they are talking about, tend to generate an aura of infallibility and a cult of personality. But none of them is doing anything of note, besides talking, for a reason.
There are two useful life rules to follow. First is you shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything. If you agree with a public figure once or twice, maybe ten times, even if you agree 90% of the time it doesn't make them god. Public image is a minute and thoroughly curated piece of a bigger picture. Don't be a fanboy it's embarrassing. All the things you like are made by the people you would hate if you knew them. All the people you like are unable to deliver anything of worth to you. Don't let your preferences in people cloud your judgement on the products itself.
Second one is sadly that critics can't deliver good results in their own field, and people who actually do things lack any significant experience outside their own work and can't see the bigger picture. It's just a matter of free time and in the gaming it's the worst, with constant after-hours crunches and individual titles tending to be 200 hours long collect-a-thon sandboxes. People who make games never actually play them, outside from maybe one terrible mindless pet-title. And prolific critics lack resources to make anything more complex than a little arcade time-waster.

Well, i was kind of a little-bit fanboying over Yahtzee back in the day (2009), but not to the point of actually reading his book or playing his tiny games. He was talking a lot about interactive narrative, writing and importance of actual gameplay, in a time when all the idiots were talking about "cinematic experience" so my interest is justified.
I lost any delusions, when he released Poacher and committed a terrible sin, which I bet he criticized other games over — a checkpoint in a game without quick-saves (which is already bad) before a retarded cutscene right before a hard fight, which will be repeated a lot. But games are hard to make, i still was interested in reading his book. Sadly it was already out of stock everywhere. But once he released a new one i went out of my way to import it, so it did cost me more than it should.

It is a thoroughly unfunny comedy adventure, by an old man screaming at kids these days across hefty page-count. The author entirely misses the rules of the game and ends up basically creating D'n'D satanism scare tier of juvenoia, despite his own fairly young age. Outside of terrible plot atop of a weak story, and poor tone, even the writing itself is bad. Attempts at depiction of action events through minute details, instead of general clear description, ruin any geography of a scene. Without clear comprehension of spatial relations these parts are no more than a pile of meaningless words not connected to each other. The characters are either jar-jars or direct adaptations of unpleasant internet meme images.

There's nothing good i can say about this work, it's probably the worst thing I have read outside of universally recognised pretentious graphomania of old people.

@темы: Yahtzee Croshaw, Книги, Индустрия Развлечений



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Лень русский вариант писать, а разработчик попросил англоязычный обзор когда предоставил код.

At first i though that this game is casual hero-based TBS (like clash of heroes or braveland) and was quite disappointed with basically non-existing combat. If i hadn't intended to write a review i'd dropped it after first 10 minutes. Opening level is just a linear path with obnoxious app-store-level forced tutorials, restricting almost any interactions and freedom and without any gameplay. But on the second level it becomes clear that this game is in fact a simple risk-like wargame, where individual battles and\or control over them don't matter as much as overall strategy. When i realized that, game turned out to be rather enjoyable.

Overall story and it's delivery are utilitarian without any major flaws. There are random encounters with flavour text and classic static cut-outs dialogues. But lack of any barks or old-school beeps on new lines of dialogue make an uncanny impression of complete silence, despite the sound of background music.

Some animations, like mills and clouds, are amazing. But everything else is just standard wargame static images. Style of drawings reminds of recent banner saga and some people think that the land is similar to bastion. But of course tight budget is quite obvious. Overall graphics are pleasant and tidy and serve their function .

There are several uncanny or uncomfortable things with interface, like kerning of the letters or not very informative and redundant tabs with unpredictable behaviour. Conflicting narrative of the stats and other places are inconvenient too. But it is still tolerable once you get used to it.

Game runs well on nvidia surround and i didn't saw any technical issues.

Overall it's pleasant and simple risk descendant with uncommon visual elements of flying ships, flying islands and clockpunk-syle robots. You just need to force yourself through the tutorial.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры

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Another late sequel\soft reboot of this era, which instead of memeberrying and repeating the original actually goes forward. Well of course, no matter what happened to the original park, people will go visit a new one. Well of course, after the demand will be supplied, the idea will lose some of its appeal. Well of course, marketing department will try to come with something new, dangerous, shoddy and usually unsafe and unethical.

I know, talking about responsibility in a movie set in Jurassic universe, built entirely on arrogant presumptions, is kind of pointless, but still, just about everyone there act very irresponsible, including the caretaker. It fits the tone, but it's like using a jackhammer for a nail. It makes work done, it can be used as accurately, but it's obviously an overkill.

The movie completely ignores recent dinosaur studies and is holding on to the old fantasy of giant lizards. So does the music with an orchestral arrangement disregarding any progress.

Overall it's a competent movie.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений



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Competent but rather short (5 hrs on easy) top-down shooter homicide game. There are plenty of semi-original and interesting mechanics, cool art style and some destruction. But also there is a lot of room for improvement. For example destructions are mainly decorative and floors, fences and trees are indestructible. Also there is no "funneling" so antagonist always stuck in something.

Game not working properly in UWS and MM as of now, but can easily be windowed. (As of 04.06.2015)

@темы: hatred, Компьютерные Игры

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Учитывая специфику вокала они очень умно разбили каждую песню по строкам, вместо оригинального куплетового исполнения. Шоу тоже получилось очень хорошое. Одна проблема — до сих пор не обзавелись собственными нормальными "минусами" и читают поверх оригинальных записей (ну, или, как минимум, поверх грязных, в которых всё равно слышен записанный вокал).

@темы: Встречи, Концерт, Big Russian Boss, VOLTA

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This one doesn't have any comics or pictures.

So, it picks up a loose thread and happens in parallel with Кардонийская петля, ending at that same wedding ceremony. The author went into watota (which contradicts my remark to the third book) but his ukrainhurt isn't very noticeable here. It's a pretty good become death, the destroyer of worlds story with appropriate philosophical musings. Also it's lead by the protagonist of the first book, and it's his own private adventure with his new friends.

@темы: Герметикон, Вадим Юрьевич Панов, Книги

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Типичный фильм про подполье, хотя "ковбойскость" (намеренная) главного героя привлекает внимание.

@темы: Wajda's war films trilogy, Popiol i diament, Кино



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Клаустрофобный военный триллер про потерю ориентации в канализации. Довольно оригинальная и сильная тема, жалко немного ограничена в технических выразительных средствах того времени. Сейчас подобный фильм можно было бы снять более гнетущим и давящим. Особенно используя современные жанры музыки а не типичные для чёрно-белых фильмов оркестры, которые что не играют - то кан-кан.

@темы: Wajda's war films trilogy, Kanal, Кино



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Обычный (около)военный фильм про молодых людей участвующих в восстании. Правда актёры как обычно староваты для своих ролей.

@темы: Wajda's war films trilogy, Pokolenie, Кино

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При использовании очень многих правильных элементов повествования и отличном стиле механизмов (несмотря на его резиновость), фильм в итоге довольно скучный.

Причём из очевидных проблем можно указать только то, что в то время как в большинстве сцен на экране присутствует гитарист с барабанщиками, основу музыкального сопровождения составляют какие-то убогие скрипки и этно-мотивы вместо метала, даже во время боевых сцен в десяти метрах от данного гитариста.

Общий эстетика изрядно напоминает хаоситов, захвативших технику орков и украсивших её в духе Brütal Legend. Причём большинство боевых сцен пущено в ускоренном произведении для усиления градуса безумия. Ночь и болота тоже выполнены очень интересно.

Сюжет дико предсказуем, но особо не мешает.

В целом фильм вышел значительно лучше второй части, но это как сказать что поесть пустых макарон лучше, чем поесть говна.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Mad Max: Fury Road, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений, Mad Max

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Типичный пост-Захар, не помнит текстов и больше настраивает гитару, чем играет.

Зато звук отличный, оптимальной громкости.

@темы: Концерт, Индустрия Развлечений

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Простенькая экранизация простенькой сказки, но техника съёмки настолько низкобюджетная и устаревшая, что смотрится это всё просто великолепно.

@темы: The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, Сказочное путешествие мистера Бильбо Беггинса, Хоббита, Middle-earth, Кино