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Людей чуть больше чем на Выходе. Громко. Немного.

@темы: Концерт, Шестнадцать Тонн

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An overwritten epistolary mess, which tries very hard to be ominous and spoil everything, while also being a mystical trash for no reason. It's not very engaging and it shows how much greater the movie is. It's quite amazing how the screenwriters managed to work with this thing and trim it the the manageable story.

@темы: Christopher Priest, The Prestige, Книги

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Original gameplay based on terraforming, with two main styles: versus environment and versus other factions. Vague and complex storyline unfortunately unavailable in english because western publisher though that western players are too dumb and will not get it. This version published by original company though, so there is a chance that they restored it and returned cut scenes. I played original so i didn't check english one.

Graphically it's still impressive and have a good art style, especially considering that modern games still look like they were made in 2005 due to outdated and underpowered hardware for casuals.
Works pretty well on win 7.

@темы: Периметр, Компьютерные Игры

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So, imagine all that Mass Effect crew management, date-sim, talking and "decision-making" (or Binary Domain tickling) packed into a one fine visual novel with actual characters, actual decisions, actual story and actual animation and other real-art assets. No add to this a classic Risk global map. Now make all battles on it a simple RTS game, where you are present (like in the Магия Войны), and also can directly participate as a dragon (like in the Глаз дракона). Maybe this isn't the best game out there, but this is definitely a separate experience in its own.

The political part is really good, conflicting parties ask you to do judgement and your actions do matter a lot. Even waifu-sim is outstanding, while it's not an adult and reasonable relationship of the future, it asks a lot of you by the present day standards. The RTS is cool at first, with its technofantasy designs, but by the midpoint the novelty wears out. Yet it still serves as a respite from all the reading. And thankfully you accumulate some skills to make your dragon self much stronger, to finish late game fights quicker.

With all that praise i gushed over the political visual novel part, there are still a lot of really bad decisions. Why Camilla looks like chick from Avatar? What's up with her face? where is my lusty argonian maid? That much sexual dimorphism is bull and a plain fan-service and pandering. Why do reptiles have mammaries again? Aren't those reserved only for mammals?
And why there is no human diplomat? And therefore there is no human princess or human lands. It's like all humans are only bureaucracy servants? They are the majority of staff on Raven and yet no one cares about them but generals. And most of decisions you make do not affect them at all. Even ones which do, don't change their loyalty to the dragonborn. Humans just don't have a say in this war.
Unless they are dead. Why can only humies be undead? Where are undead imps, dwarfs, lizards and dragons? And what's killing me is undead have facial expressions, and that animation is terrible.

Oh, yes. And music. Music here is killing me too. It's not surprising i found the OST so bad. It's made by the guy who was involved in the worst songs of Ария.

Well, yeah, Dragon Commander is still good, despite all of Larian's attempts to sacrifice it to Divinity: Original Sin. It's clunky and it's simple, but at least it's an uncommon experience.

@темы: divinity, Компьютерные Игры

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Russian subtitles.

The first adaption of the book is a foreign movie and uses only the premise and picks a couple of plot-points for inspiration. The main pair are a barber and a pawnbroker with no character dynamic because they are equal. The best part is where one is polish and the other is czech and they speak similar, but different languages. It's rarely brought up after the first meeting but still. That's an interesting idea, pity i'm not fluent in any of the present languages. Mine is similar to them but less similar then they are to each other, i can read some of them, but fast speech is nearly unintelligible to me.

It's an old film and originally it was 75 minutes long, but only 66 were preserved, and it looks like it was glued together from different sources. It's often jumpcuts and i think that's where most of the footage is lost and not some important scenes. It's a comedy film with four musical numbers. So, does that mean that polish deceased uncle Bartholomew sings in czech?

This film entirely changed context but kept the locked door scene, has a ship scene, an auction scene and a rival character. It seems that Treze Cadeiras took barbershop, rushed auction, orphanage and a second letter directly from here. Even gynecologist is probably inspired by the visit to the dentist.

@темы: Двенадцать стульев, Dvanact kresel, Dwanascie krzesel, Кино

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Scarlet Which and Quicksilver are kind of unnecessary. Ultron is underdeveloped, while trailers had a great idea of him quoting Pinocchio, the rest of the movie is him just slacking around. Well, he is not as caricature as in some other portrayals, but also somehow is not as threatening. The thing between twins and Stark is not developed at all. Nothing came out of the setup in the beginning of the movie. And the Vision...


Vision is just become, no questions asked. As if he always was there and no one cares.

But instead of all those things being developed, we have unnecessary Widow + Hulk Slash Fic and dramatic set-up for Hawkeye, which never came.

Overall, it consists of too many things, every one of which is not properly developed. It's not as good as the first one, but also is not as simple.

@темы: hulk, Avengers, thor, marvel, iron man, captain america, Кино, Индустрия Развлечений

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Очередной мультсериал про очередных японских сводных родственников с нездоровыми отношениями. Абсолютно клишировано, анимация дешёвая, да и в целом - premium black-hair Konata simulator. Хронометраж - так вообще совершенно незначительный.

Впрочем, вместе с тринадцатым эпизодом отношения передвигаются в немного другую и более тонкую плоскость. Вроде отношений Каори и Кагуры из Азуманги. Критическая стадия OCD вместо того, что вымораживает рядовых американцев.

@темы: Мультипликация/анимация, Onee-chan ga Kita, Индустрия Развлечений

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Типичный "escape the room", по сути представляющий из себя цепочку простеньких головоломок.

В игре нет настроек графики, музыка периодически забывает о собственном существовании, а некоторые головоломки недостаточно понятно объясняют задачу и правила.

Впрочем, игра и стоит копейки. Buy one - get one.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, Hare In The Hat



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A game, which had it’s own ideas about the level design for games, which created it’s own subgenre.

But by itself it is extremely outdated, repetitive and small of content. If i had it in my 8-bit era, i wouldn’t like it very much either, just like we never considered Super Mario Bros. worth the effort. Though i don’t think i consider it a κρυπτόκόπρος like The Legend of Zelda, as far as i can remember the game can be finished without any of the random obtuse secret passes leading to some advanced items.

I used Nestopia 1.40

@темы: Metroid, Компьютерные Игры


Soul Gambler

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Game works pretty well with surround.

You can be sane person, do nothing stupid, watch some random people die and still win the game.

Looks pretty, sounds cheap, but tolerable. But it is really short. So, you can take it on sale.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, Soul Gambler

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Ok, let's try this golden god of negative-brain peasants which is a first person game on a gamepad, what could go wrong?

Dolphin emulator turned out to be a powerhouse tool to surpass ePSXe. It not just easily runs at UHD UWS Surround and basically doesn't require much setup, it offers a wide variety of graphical improvements to make this game look really nice.
Though, game's renderer is still locked at old aspect ratio.

I opted to play the original GameCube version and with a gaypad as to hurt myself to see if i still feel. I do.

It's something of a puzzle-platformer walking simulator of interconnected rooms, with some small scale combat and the game did bring it's post-metroid sensibilities into 3D and had implemented them perfectly. In a vacuum it's an okay casual exploration post-metroid (duh) game. But it's not in a vacuum, it's locked to gaypads and it fucking hurts.

Even with all of the cheating programmed into the game, you just can't have analog gameplay on one dimensional controls. You can't have a 3D object in 2D space. The camera controls and the fixed camera for a 3rd person view both exist only to kill you for no your fault. While you hunt static wildlife you can clench your buttocks and get through it, you can get through flying enemies and faulty auto-aim, you can overcome terrible jittery bosses standing outside the screen, but when i've encountered damn ghosts teleporting all over the place in 2x2 rooms and phasing out, so you can't even shoot them i almost threw in the towel.

Gamepads are cancer and only degenerates with no self would use them. The amount of games playable without a mouse is minimal. Even in a lot of old twitchy platformers ten-finger keyboard is infinitely superior to two-finger tractor pad. I did play half of the Metroid Prime 2 from Metroid Prime: Trilogy Wii version using a joystick and a mouse, and i can say having a mouse control, even with edge scrolling is entirely passable, unlike this humiliation. You can finally focus on a game at hand, instead of popping glass jars with your anus, while aiming it with chopsticks.

The lore is garbage and the story is broken. So she got a distress signal, but it led her back to her homefosterplanet? If we list the facts — she arrives due to distress signal, but finds space pirates, who clearly did not send any signals, and this planet is suddenly Chozo, but all her equipment is also Chozo. This is not the first Metroid chronologically and yet she has to get all the same gear again. The planet is abandoned, due to wildlife being mutated, due to metroid prime, but metroids were brought in by the pirates much later. But the pirates try to get to metroid and can't find the keys. But when you open these doors the walls in all of the caves are covered by pirate-installed screens with their reports and diaries. The entire timeline makes zero sense and this game should be treated as it has no story, and there are only holes instead of plot. Narrative for the most part is fine, but there are multiple intertextual puzzles, afaik even one story related, which make no sense, if you didn't play several previous games. And i didn't.

Dolphin is great. GameCube version is aidscancer. Wii remake is a tolerable game-type object.

@темы: metroid, Компьютерные Игры

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Тщательный боевик, который показывает не только перестрелки и наброски персонажей, но и остальной фильм. В целом напоминает серьёзный "de-make" серии Tthe Expendables (2010)

@темы: The Dogs of War, Кино

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Очень примитивный симулятор торгаша. Но графика аккуратненькая. В простом режиме невозможно проиграть, а в ограниченном можно выставить количество ходов самому. Что так, что эдак - единственное на что это влияет - таблица рекордов.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры

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Фильм абсолютно не претендует на "художественность" или "артистичность", но совершенно прекрасно выполняет своё основное назначение. Он не только демонстрирует усиление, но прекрасно ввязывает всё происходящее в полотно уже существующей вселенной без разрыва ткани. К тому же эпоха "гримдарка" позволила ему быть настолько жестоким и реалистичным, насколько хотелось создателям.

Единственное что напрягает - это излишняя темнота фильма и слишком близкие планы с резким монтированием боевых сцен.

@темы: Alien vs. Predator, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, Кино



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Разорвав серию, зарифмовав название со второй частью alien, фильм так же отбросил формулу первых двух. Вместо "классический стиль боевика & Knuckles плюс хищник" - этот фильм типичнейшая "охота на людей", которая была бы совершенно очевидным и предсказуемым штампом для первого фильма. К тому же в качестве декораций - снова обычные джунгли.

Впрочем, благодаря отличному разнообразию актёров и типажей фильм получился очень увлекательным.

@темы: Predators, Predator, Alien vs. Predator, Кино


Predator 2

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Вторая часть в качестве основы использует полицейский боевик вместо вьетнама\джунглей. Арсенал вооружения намного расширен, в том числе появились новые светофильтры, в общем - весь прекрасный набор с которым дают поиграться в Aliens versus Predator 2. Забавно, что на полке трофеев висит череп пришельца. Только совершенно непонятно, что за монстр вылез в конце Prometheus, если он не имеет никакого отношения к обычным ксеноморфам. Надеюсь во второй части они озаботятся этим вопросом.

@темы: Predator, Alien vs. Predator, Predator 2, Кино

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Очень хороший боевик, сочетающий в себе всё лучшее от Шварценэггера с очень сильным реквизитом и хорошей постановкой.

Но учитывая что вся первая половина фильма - прямолинейнейший боевик, сцену с посадкой инопланетного корабля вначале лучше было бы не показывать, для более сильного "поворота".

@темы: Predator, Alien vs. Predator, Кино

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A cyberpunk movie from that wave when people still could read "punk" in the word "cyberpunk".

While Keanu Reeves was not a good actor (maybe still isn't one), but he is a great performer, and it looks like that after he read the sсript and saw the part with virtual PC, he studied for a long time before making that cut. Because he is probably the best mime i ever saw. During the whole film he is doing what he is told to, but he is rarely in the movie. There is only one phrase where he is actually acting. The rest of the cast is rather great, though. Everyone has fun and fits their role perfectly.

The imagery this film creates is outstandingly powerful, the bridge people, the tower in flames, the nail and the preacher. And of course that creepy dolphin followed me through my life since the first time i saw this movie in parts in the childhood.

It's one of the greatest cyberpunk movies, which is only held back by Keanu's poor acting. If only they did tailor the sсript to accommodate his stone(d) face and made him perform more and "act" less. He looks just fine in The Matrix.

@темы: Johnny Mnemonic, Кино

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Очередное "кино по реальным событиям". В данном случае запутавшееся не только в своих темах но и повествовании.

Совершенно безосновательно фильм скачет по временным периодам и не может определиться с последовательностью сцен и временных периодов. То он показывает "настоящее" (без следов старения на лице), то военный период, то детство. Часть сцен выглядит исключительно штампованными, персонажи ведут себя "по-киношному" и ковбойски налетают на проблему.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Immitation Game, Кино

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Фантастический фильм. Точка.

Несмотря на то, что фильм увлекательный и выполняет своё назначение, сюжет забит дырами и не имеет смысла. А судя по некоторым комментариям создателей - из-за излишней попытки обыграть всё тонко и неоднозначно, некоторые мотивации остались совершенно непонятны (например то, что Хесус был инженером). Да и мелкие детали немного раздражают - "учёные" совершенно игнорируют научный подход и ведут себя в стиле космических ковбоев из восьмидесятых годов, а полная самовольность и безответственное поведение робота игнорируется всеми.

@темы: Alien vs. Predator, Prometheus (2012), Кино, Индустрия Развлечений