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A movie, which is good enough while you are in the moment and waiting for it to get better — you are still suspending your disbelief and enjoy iconographic snippets here and there and unconventional designs. But then, after you've already noticed that movie should've ended 1,5 hours ago, you get to a shyamalan-twist which is made of retarded layers of retarded, arranged into a retarded layered cake of retarded retarded. And everything you've suspended so far just erupts into a scream-volcano of disbelieving in how you was duped into hoping that it'll get better. It couldn't get, it's impossible to salvage this sсript or these characters.

Even disregarding the main story which is tired, dumb and bad, while screaming in your face with all its pretentiousness about how actually smart it is, the rest is enough to sink it. The movie was hyped hard about its scientific accuracy, but then we have people moving into a system with a giant black hole in it. The actual scientist-persoon characters, whose understanding of basic physics is below the level of a curious commoner, such as myself. You don't need to be a scientist, to know what exactly they will see on those planets even before they land on them. It's even can be deducted from the information the movie itself gives you in expositions. And after that all a dude jumps into a black hole and survives.

But no, not just survives, he falls into the tesseract of the fourth dimension inside of the black hole, beside the planet Nebiru of jewreptiloids hidden on the dark side of the holographic moon above a hollow flat earth where egyptian pyramids serve as alien prison towers preventing "god"-made people to escape, where he plays sick solo on gravitational one-dimensional vibrating strings energized by the power of LOVE. (And that's why 9\11 was inside of the job to make frogs gay ~2018)

You actually wot, mate? When south park made their ladder-remarks on inception, this kind of pretentiousness is what they meant. The more time passes the dumber this whole ordeal looks and the more disappointment creeps in.
Well, even with all that 80s b-movie stupidity, but in three hours long dullness and it bursting with self-seriousness on the tier of the inflation fetish, instead of campy joyride — it is still, mostly, a movie. So if you like it — whatever, just don't pretend that it is smart, good or inspired, just because you don't get most of the words said and just fill the gaps thinking that everything is super smart.

@темы: Кинотеатр, Interstellar, Кино

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A jigsaw+ puzzle game with dirty, grimy, rather ugly art. The cut is kind of playful and uses impossible in real-life pieces, which sometimes depict something meaningful. It tries to be more "intense" with small arcade zombie-defence mini-game. It's amusing at first, but then just gets irritating.

Bulk of the achievements are awarded for the jigsaw part of the game, the rest is for zombie-hunting and some those are really bad. One asks you to waste a one hour of real time spamming the same button, another to do that until you get 5000 kills. And after that entire hour i still didn't get it, so screw it.

@темы: Pixel Puzzles, Компьютерные Игры

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Buy one get one.

Один из тех случаев, когда не хватает нейтральной оценки. Игра неплохо симулирует логические ощущения от сборки настоящей мозаики, но конечно же нет тактильных ощущений, а все кусочки развёрнуты в правильном положении. Да и самого факта владения довольно дорогим развлечением, к тому же изрядного размера в собранном состоянии - нет. Попытка передать объём иногда довольно сильно вмешивается в гамму кусочка и понять что на нём изображено на последних уровнях довольно тяжело. К тому же у игры хреновые hit-box и приходится долго тыркать в кусочек чтобы поднять, а когда выуживаешь нужный кусок из воды игра планомерно подсовывает не тот, что нужен. Зато игра пользуется цифровой природой произведения и использует интересную нарезку, не выполнимую в физической форме, да ещё и новую в каждой мозаике. Впрочем не всегда удачную - излишне нереалистичные куски отправляются напрямую в uncanny valley. Интерактивные и анимированные элементы фона помогают атмосфере, хотя хотелось бы их побольше. Сами картинки вполне типичные, и скорее всего либо со склада изображений, либо просто экспроприированные. Если же авторы реально скатались и сделали фотографий - то это неплохо.

Типичная музыка вполне соответствует тематике, а озвучка, несмотря на примитивность и предсказуемость, действительно работает. GUI вполне типичный и удобный, а вот графических настроек не хватает, на surround собранный из 4:3 приходится игра в окне, иначе игра вылезает за границы центрального монитора и не хочет включать letterbox. Сильно не хватает кнопки, подсвечивающей неиспользованные кусочки - там где в реальной жизни можно просто нащупать их рукой - здесь приходится долго искать на фоне почти сложенной мозаики.

Основная проблема игры в том, что есть множество бесплатных нарезателей, которые готовы принимать пользовательские картинки и целиком настраивать и нарезку и объём работы. Потому соревноваться с ними можно лишь использованием оригинальных изображений. Возможно помогло бы введение некого соревновательного элемента, труднодоступного для физической сборки, но только без связанных достижений, иначе это обидит казуальную публику, желающую просто пособирать мозаики. Впрочем из игры падают карточки и есть достижения, что немного усиливает мету.

В целом это типичная утилитарная симуляция мозаик.

@темы: Pixel Puzzles, Компьютерные Игры

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Continuing the Diablo tradition of making sequels to mono-dungeon games semi-open-world, you are now roaming the whole island with distinct zones. On the one hand it has more variety, on the other it loses some of the focus. Also some of the required puzzles are so moon-logic cryptic, that you can be reaching for the walk-through.

New farmer class sounds like a fun idea, until you realize that there are no food sources and all your characters are starving. In the first game there were re-spawning blue lizards, with a lot of meat. Here you can only find a fish, once in a blue moon. And I’m not sure if they do re-spawn or if I’ve just missed those when I was fishing previous times. It still an interesting mechanic which adds variety, but it not as fun as Legend of Grimrock veterans would expect.

The story… The story is entirely unmemorable. And i don’t think it even ties to the story of the first game in any way. There is no mountain Grimrock either. You can find remains of the previous boss, but what does it mean? Does this game take place a million years after the first one and what was a mountain is just an island, and the rest of the kingdom and it’s continent is sunken?

Final fight is not puzzle-based, so you just kick an old guy around, until he drops, and hope that you’ve saved enough bombs for raw damage output.

Overall it’s still a fun game and is one of the best games of the year, but unlike with the first game, there are a lot of criticism to be voiced. And I didn’t have a craving to instantly replay it, especially on a higher difficulty.

@темы: Legend of grimrock, Компьютерные Игры

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After two space marines campaigns, just like with the first Dawn of War, they've finally released a multi-faction game. But just like the last time it offers only one same campaign for everyone, with minor changes, and this time with no random quests.
The factions got their own intro and outro cutscenes, with a ton of voice-acted text in between, and those are nice. Though Farseer should have more lines in according situations.

Gameplay-wise they tried to respond to the hurt fanatiques of first Dawn of War by allowing you to switch between your heroes and bigger but nameless squads. So i ignored squads completely. Especially since AI is so great, that even just two tanks can't avoid colliding in a plain field, and getting stuck as a result.
Every mission the game offers you a choice of a reward, but they all are absolutely unequal — you can get a real upgrade, or some random gear which will be outdated two maps later.

It's fascinating, how once again half of the team was super lazy and didn't add more easy-made content and didn't fix the bugs, and the other half did polish whatever they has to work with until it started to clash with the amount of craps given to the rest of the production.

Ridiculously Bloody Blood Pack
Dark Angels Pack
Word Bearers Skin Pack
Ultramarines Pack
Death Korps of Krieg Skin Pack
Ulthwe Wargear DLC

Chaos Space Marines Race Pack
Eldar Race Pack
Imperial Guard Race Pack
Space Marines Race Pack
Ork Race Pack
Tyranid Race Pack

Captain Wargear DLC
Farseer Wargear DLC
Mekboy Wargear DLC
Lord General Wargear DLC
Chaos Sorcerer Wargear DLC
Hive Tyrant Wargear DLC

The Last Stand Necron Overlord
The Last Stand Tau Commander

They went completely mad with DLCs. Half of them are stupid skins, not usable in campaign, a lot of them just add crappy in-game items to the army or to the last stand mode. The biggest addition is the Tau commander but he is restricted to the wave defence mode, which is pathetic even if you manage to find co-op partners. And five years down the line they've added another one, which i didn't even try. Or how about selling for the real money a graphical mode increasing the size of some effects? (~2020)

@темы: Warhammer 40,000, Компьютерные Игры

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Basically this is more of the same, but with new enemies and other minor additions, and bigger GFWL problems. It's just as good but the plot is even less memorable.

@темы: Warhammer 40,000, Компьютерные Игры

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During it's entire existence all Relic did was selling grand-tactics games under the guise of RTS games. Ironically Dawn of War was their fist and only actual RTS IP, even if corridor, tactical and tiny-scale one. Well, not anymore, this is an outright squad-(squad)-tactical game. It has mission-based structure, including randomly generated side-quest, which you can drag to infinity if you want to farm some randomly generated gear more.

And that mix of a squad-tactical game with H&SARPG sensibilities is what makes it so good. Even if you are limited to the stupid space marines again.

The story declares Soulstorm campaign a mistake, and otherwise isn't memorable, despite the all of cutscenes.

Game's very pretty and the core gameplay loop is fine.

@темы: Warhammer 40,000, Компьютерные Игры

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Once again i started a DoW by picking up a cool-looking faction, which somewhat bored me with the gameplay. My first choice was Adepta Sororitas and while they turned out to be as weak as ranged factions, their playstyle is still mimics that of Adeptus Astartes. For throwaway maps it wasn't that big a deal, but on story-missions sometimes it was hard. Worst one was the mission against Astra Militarum. When you and the AI start on equal you can suppress their expansion by the virtue of having human player powers. But their home-base starts already at maximum strength and once scripts allow it, they harrass you with attrition. I lost or abandoned the fight several times, until I noticed why exactly my dumb experimental tactic i used on plain maps has worked before. Adepta Sororitas Rhino transport has a ton of HP, costs about nothing and while it shoots like ork towers — a lot of animation, but only one low damage bullet once in a while, their unit cap is ridiculous. I just flooded the map with stupid transports and overwhelmed any Baneblade thrown at me. From that moment i employed this dumb and boring but effective tactic every time I got in trouble. While aesthetically interesting the rest of Adepta Sororitas units are pretty weak and boring. The Dark Eldar are cool, pretty effective and well balanced. Necrons this time started to talk in cutscenes, which is stupid, but whatever.

The rest of the game is exactly the same as Dark Crusade. Padding skirmish maps, powerful bonus squads, pretty upgrades for the leader, cool home-base fights with cutscenes and different goals, and three (!) Imperium factions at war with each other and not much explanation. There are new flying units for everyone, and a new titan for Necrons. But the flyers at this scale are pretty meaningless and Deceiver is really meh. Global map looks like several planets and that's cool.

Somewhere in the middle of my complete walkthrough i've installed an FoV mod, and after that it's impossible to go back. The game was never released on consoles, and even if we consider the possible reasoning that 2004's average hardware was not being able to process such tiny amount of fully 3D units at minimum settings, this expansion was released in 2008. Nothing prevented the devs from unlocking the camera, the mod looks like it wasn't that hard to create. After tasting proper FoV, unmoded version feels painfully claustrophobic and unstrategic. You can't make adequate decisions, when you lack information, and the game's friendly AI is pretty pathetic on its own.

For anyone who likes Dark Crusade there's no reason to not like this serving of more of the same.

@темы: Warhammer 40,000, Компьютерные Игры

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Realistic hardcore twin-stick shooter set in WW2, where you can put live chicken in your pocket. Sure.

@темы: В тылу врага, Компьютерные Игры

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Типичнейший фильм про вторую мировую со всеми штампами жанра, из разряда "просто хороших".

@темы: Кинотеатр, Fury (2014), Кино

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Another HOPA game with USP being a new "unique" Detective Mode (tm). Which, as it turns out, just a sensible take on the HO scene. But this game is still not my pipe dream, since it has a lot of usual HO scenes made of random clutter.

The art is not this game's strongest points, it's not exactly Midnight Mysteries' pseudo-photorealistic clutter, but also it's not a clean cartoony look of the Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch. It often looks like very low-level amateur digital drawings, but at that tolerable level, when there is still hope.

The story is focused on the reptiloid conspiracy in the south american old gods key. There is kind of an ending, i mean you did save your friend and freed the town, but also there is weak final confrontation and a giant hook under your ribs for a sequel.

Just as usual for the genre, it is focused on mobile phones and the entire Android zoo, so it auto-adjusts for any resolution or aspect ratio, which just means it perfectly run in UHD or above\below, as long as it is the widescreen aspect ratio. So, while it does run in UWS, 4:3 or Surround, it stretches or squishes the image and your only option is to play in the windowed mode at bizarro 1366×768 resolution. It does stick outside the borders of classic 4:3 interchangeable (but not pixel perfect) 5:4 1280x1024, isn't it?

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, 9 Clues

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Короткометражная (около получаса со всеми достижениями) ритм-игра в виде обратного "платформера". Игра работает стабильно, выглядит неплохо, но без претензии, звучит так же. Тематика "реверса" не выдержана: игра построена как "настоящая", - от простого к сложному, хотя должна идти в обратную сторону. Отсутствие инерции по-началу раздражает, потому кажется, что это довольно умно, ведь всё идёт в обратную сторону, но в конце концов понимаешь, что в этом случае герой должен входить в зоны ускорения/замедление на изменённой скорости. В целом эта механика используется глубже поверхностного уровня лишь несколько раз. Золотые медали выдаются за прохождение в одну попытку, но учитывая что на уровнях совершенно нет контрольных точек или жизней - они не имеют совершенно никакого смысла, так как разница между перезапуском и "парадоксом" лишь в том, что после "парадокса" нельзя получить золотую медаль и проще перезапустить уровень. А вот с этим проблемы, игра нарушает первое правило мобильных "трёхзвёздных" игр - кнопка перезапуска должна быть всегда под рукой.

Достижения простенькие и все в рабочем состоянии. На прохождение, на золотые медали и на рутинные действия; интересных всего пара. Тематика в изображениях и названиях выдержанна.

Карточки steam выглядят тоже неплохо, кроме неудачного ракурса зомби-гномов. Обои простенькие, но аккуратные. Значки подобраны очень хорошо, даже металлический одновременно принадлежит к остальной серии, но при этом может считаться и отдельным. "Смайлы" слишком мелкие и неразборчивые, шляпа даже смахивает на пенис. Фоны простенькие и аккуратные, с чёрной заливкой.

Это не самый плохой способ убить полчаса, длиннее данную концепцию всё равно сложно растянуть так, чтобы не начало надоедать. Игру стоит брать только на распродаже и только по минимальной цене.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры

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The book is still minced into chapters dedicated to different protagonists. And some chapters span several days, others go for months. This inequality is somewhat confusing the timeline. Also it ends not on the most epic moment, but after it passed and the story went into excess, which should've been a part of the next book. This book has a ton of narrative branches, and the ending for each kinda dwindles the importance.

Any network has a minimal amount of nodes to sustain it's existence.
Keeping data in RAID 0.
Indoctrination with green.
Empathy and craving for (detain/plant) under external influence.
The rebellion was extinguished very poorly.

@темы: Kevin J. Anderson, Saga of Seven Suns, Книги

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Subtitled translation.

So… Huh… Yeah.

This thing is so big that we decided to make an event out of it and the three of us gathered in the flat of the dawg with big screen. While this a great (with such a great size) film, it doesn’t exactly have a good story. The battles are great but we have zero idea who are all these guys are, who are they supposed to be, who are good guys, who is fighting who, what are allegiances, and then some characters even look the same. And i don’t know what the hell of the hell was that part, where one army just leisurely rode inside another army just to be attacked from all sides. No, that’s not a joke that has happened.

But yeah, in these several hours there’re more good visuals than dumb story and stupid events.

@темы: Chi bi, Кино

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Сплав типичнейшей мобильной "трёхзвёздной" игры, откровенной "гриндилки" и абсолютно компетентного top-down shooter. Даже "портирование" сделано очень хорошо, игра не взрывается на surround, управление отзывчивое и используемые клавиши можно переназначить.

Кроме самих заданий ведётся счёт, по результатам которого начисляются звёздочки, за определённые вещи, например цепочки убийств, выдаются медали. Так же ведётся набор "опыта", на который можно купить усилители или особое оружие перед заданиями. В Steam версии опыт отсыпается довольно щедро, кроме того можно дать противникам фору (отключить GUI или регенерацию), и получить множитель опыта.

Так же есть еженедельные три цели и по три цели в каждом из заданий, большинство вполне лёгкие, вроде "убей десять врагов этой пушкой", но есть и глупые, заставляющие перепроходить уровень снова и снова ради множественного убийства единственного противника. К счастью убийства учитываются даже при перезагрузке уровня, так что когда цель основана на ограниченных ресурсах, можно сразу после израсходования перезапустить задание без потери купленных улучшений.

Сюжет совершенно простенький. А сама вселенная HALO довольно аляпистая: из колонок доносится чрезмерно пафосная музыка, у космопехов стерильный sci-fi "дизайн", а с другой стороны напарники кричат "Yo dawg", пока совершенно смехотворный зверинец противников корчит рожи, машет руками и издаёт "мультяшные" звуки. Впрочем в качестве игры-спутника Spartan Assault со своей целью справляется - даже захотелось попробовать основную серию про приключения Мастера Шеф-Повара.

Значительных проблем у игры немного: учитывая что "гринд" является довольно важной частью игры (иначе пройти всю игру можно примерно за час), все цели и медали, которые необходимо собрать, погребенные под кучей меню и их нельзя проверить во время задания; из-за необходимости в "сессионном игровом процессе" в игре очень короткие уровни, проходимые за пару минут; опять-таки из-за "сенсорных" экранов кнопка паузы находится в очень неудобном месте и изредка нажимается случайно; и совершенно непродуманное управление транспортными средствами, если из за парения инопланетного транспорта это не заметно, то все танки управляются по абсолютной схеме, но требуют выравнивания по продольной оси, из-за чего регулярно застревают и их довольно сложно вытащить используя только восемь направлений клавиатуры.

В целом эту игру можно порекомендовать любителем "поглаживаний" и достижений, а так же тем, кто готов смирится с короткими уровнями в top-down shooter.

@темы: HALO, Компьютерные Игры

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A story of one self-contained separate crisis on the station. It returns to theme of soul hunters and tackles the preservation vs oblivion arguement, but instead of musing on it in purely philosophical terms, it depicts the race more sympathetically and just shows that sometimes they make mistakes too.

It's fine.

@темы: babylon 5, Babylon 5: The River of Souls, Кино

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Damn this is good. They took an underwater city from the Bioshock and mixed it up with Cthulhu stuff. And you play as a strong independent female saving your husband in distress who is inept and too tired for the war. It's of the usual Artifex Mundi quality of art and HOPA gameplay, and the writing is really solid.

@темы: Компьютерные Игры, Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden

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Алмазный фонд

I was here several times during my childhood. And this time we kinda were kinda late for the tour and had to catch up and it probably kinda was my fault. But why the hell are there lines for the entrance to the territory itself? I honestly don't remember much from the tour and it's just a bunch of rocks anyway. This thing is still as tiny as i remember, but the ticket price is not even in the same range as back in the day. Especially when it's my treat for my guests.

Оружейная палата

Now we are talking. It's a big collection of absolutely random stuff dumped into displayes. I kinda hurried out for some reason though.

Государственный Геологический Музей им. В.И. Вернадского РАН

Outside i spotted this building and said hey let's go there. Well it's just a bunch of rocks, what else you would expect? And this time i took my time. And frankly, out of the whole trip, i remember this one the best, despite being in the other two multiple times in my life.

@темы: Музей, Энтропия

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I’m not exactly a fan of their original sound of melodeclamation over droning noises. I got into them only when they’ve started oiling their tracks with actual music. (Well, even while already listening to 2H Company i got into СБПЧ only after Живи хорошо, of course) Some of the more morbid and evil tracks do fine in the old style, but the remake of Маленькие человечки is just so much better narratively than the original.

The thing is, they’ve never stopped moving in that direction, and i find their current sound kind of boring. They do some light hipsterock with electric influences. From being butt of “music for evil people” jokes they went to be basically pop+.

The show was in the middle of Moscow under open air, and the sound was fine. They’ve played old and new material, and none of the things i like sounded remotely how i like. It’s not like i disliked it, i’m more of just didn’t care. The whole thing wasn’t really memorable.

Maybe it’s even possible to spot me in this video.

@темы: Концерт, Музыка

Сынок знаешь, ты тоже вот-вот кудесником станешь.
This is basically more of the same, but instead of a story or a campaign, it's an anthology of shorts. It's, like, okay. But also it adds new achievements and one of them is actual RNG garbage. You have to restart the game again and again until you get lucky. And you should drop the game before it auto-saves you. Otherwise, you will have to replay the part before it again and again.

@темы: The Walking Dead, Компьютерные Игры